

Chapter 5 - Wave Theory and the Electron
(Continued — Page 2)

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From beautiful pictures obtained of the sun, we see that energetic matter expelled from the star moves in the form of a swirl (picture below). This energetic path is probably mainly composed of magnetic loops, because the energetic loops that look like dark circles on the surface of the sun are composed of invisible energetic (dark) matter.

Before it is sucked into the Kerr swirl, the magnetic path creates a swirling cloud. Perhaps, in the atom, this formation is the electron (a moving cloud). The Kerr swirl, which behaves like a black hole, can swallow only small amounts of energy. Excess energy is concentrated near the mouth of the swirl and grows, achieving more mobility and space. In the atom, the electron cloud appears to be more independent and jumps to a higher orbit. Perhaps, rather than actually jumping to a higher orbit, the electron cloud enlarges its space enough to come in contact with the higher orbit.

The enlargement of the electron cloud’s space, caused by the addition of energy, enables it to form relationships with swirls of other atoms. Because it is magnetic, it connects with positron loops near Schwarzschild swirls and creates a small photon-like wave (picture to the right). The cloud, however, does not lose contact with the matter from which it originated.

Because the electron cloud belongs to the magnetic path (picture below), it moves in a perpendicular path from north to south or south to north, or around the energetic swirl (proton) - but only in the direction of the swirl’s rotation, west to east. This is the rotation of atomic energy formations.

By adding more energy, the electron cloud can separate itself from its wave and become a high-energy independent magnetic loop (electron), flowing between atoms in the energetic path. Once the atom from which the electron originated creates another cloud of excess energy, the lost electron cannot return to its original wave. If it is connected to magnetic paths, the electron can jump orbits when energy is added, and return to its original size when energy is lost. Every atom has its specific energy level, space and time. When energy is added, their orbits cannot exceed the energy level of the original wave. Excess energy is expelled in the form of photons bearing the characteristics of the atom releasing them.

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