

Chapter 2 - Wave Theory and Photons
(Continued — Page 5)

As depicted in the next picture, the two loops found in a wave have different properties. This gives rise to different forces (currents) within the wave, acting in all directions. These forces enable the wave to come in contact with other waves and defend its space and existence (Pauli exclusion principle).

The pictures to follow depicts the behaviour of energy in magnetic and energetic loops.

The proceeding illustration shows the properties of low-energy small waves and high-energy waves.

Every wave has its energetic level (capacity), space and time. Waves are held in position by their two-loop structure; the circulation of energetic matter in different directions acts like propellers in all directions. A wave’s position also depends on its relationship with other wave constellations (Einstein’s idea of the net universe). Relationships with same-phase formations are stronger.

Loops in photons do not fall on each other. When separated, they easily reunite with their partners or similar loops. Both loops have the same energy level and the same momentum of flow of electro-magnetic matter in paths (rings) and in the entire wave that are suitable for the rotation and connection of rings.

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