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The Structure of the Hydrogen Atom
(Continued — Page 6)

[The Deuterium Atom]

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As noted above, the accumulation of energetic matter (positron) necessitates the creation of the neutron formation. In hydrogen atoms, there are a few small cloud-like neutron formations that are spread out along its neutron (magnetic) paths. The dimensions of the neutron formation correspond to the size of the proton formation. In other words, the proton formation's size varies according to the rate and the ability of the neutron to store incoming energy.

Gradually, the neutron begins to expel the excess energy that it constantly receives from the positron. The energy forms an energetic path that spins perpendicular to the proton-positron paths. Similarly, in a neutron energetic formation, the energy faces towards the inside and swirls perpendicular to the proton. In the neutron’s (magnetic) swirl, the energetic matter faces inwards and concentrates energy inside. This proves that the neutron is a highly-energetic formation (hence the neutron bomb). The deuterium atom, as seen in the pictures below, is a lucid example of a neutron formation:

In the hydrogen atom, the loop is formed by a few loose spirals. The neutrons are assembled in nebulous clouds that are so energetic that their gravitational pull hovers around zero or is even negative. Therefore, its neutron’s gravitational properties are negative, which explains why scientists have difficulties comprehending the structure of the hydrogen atom. Furthermore, its perpendicular loops are less concentrated and disperse along its highly-energetic magnetic path. Consequently, the neutron’s loops in the hydrogen atom are dispersed and highly energetic — like the photon — and thus possess less gravitational force. Moreover, concentrations of energetic matter — referred to as electrons — are found on the tips of its perpendicularly swirling loops (as in the positron). Due to the sucking properties of the proton at the tip of the magnetic path, the electron is always in the vicinity of the proton’s opening. A closed circle of energetic movement that resembles a cirulus viciosum is thus formed near the opening, where energy congregates before entry. The exact manner in which energetic matter circulates within the positron and electron — and which subsequently forms another swirl — is most peculiar and is thus very difficult to comprehend.

Nevertheless, there cannot be a more ingenious creation!! This virtual formation appears to be tenuous, especially on account of its obscure borders; however, it is actually a solid formation with a defined area, which reacts to internal and external signals immediately.

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