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Grand Unified Theory
Wave theory
United nature theory
Theory of everything



Explanation: by electromagnetic force [part 1].

Magnetic [gravity], perpendicular force appears by swirling motion of strong electric force


Flow of electric force by string paths by space trajectories geometry Riemannian geometry, Richie curvatures and Gauss curvatures.{see Einstein's works} creates vortex [quantum] that creates all forces and formations everything.


Chaim, Henry Tejman.

Emeritus,  Jerusalem university. United Nature Theory-Wave Theory


Magnetic-gravity force appears by swirling motion of strong [string] force [open quantum formation]. The swirling rotation, revolving motion of strong [string] force creates quanta with magneticgravity semi loop formations or disperse again to space,

. The single strong force (time, space. energy] virtual energetic force

Swirling motion

In perpendicular form


Create two perpendicular 3D lo


Energetic direct.



Only NATURE explains its sophisticated ingenious behavior.


 Pictures from hurricane, Swirling motion of electric string-path [Hubble]

 Explanation of pictures by U. N. T.  Motion of two [one] forces, two semi loops [electro-magnetic].

The electromagnetic force[two in one]create everything !

These sophisticated two semi loops [electro-magnetic] of vortex quantum create everything.


Every semi loop consist behavior of second semi loop.

1. Electric semi loop [rt]two electric strings-path [quarks] and one magnetic-gravity strings-path [quark].

2. Magnetic-gravity semi loop two gravity-magnetic strings-path [quarks] and one electric strings-path [quark].

Together six different colors quarks with different behaviors.

Closed quantum formation. Right: electric Left: magnetic semi loop.

Electric force expand and condense, gravity magnetic only condense


Electric, energetic string, by its swirling and spinning motion by 3D time space curvatures create quantum, open duality formation Two main perpendicular spin forces.  


Wave formation:{quantum, closed] composed by electromagnetic[semi loop-spin1] strings Forces that pushes outward and inward, while the magnetic[gravity semi loop-blue] pushes the energetic matter inside (left semi loop]     spin  2, ­- condensed space time

The electromagnetic force[two in one]create everything !

Creation of closed formation [by two behaviors]  – quantum.


Classic quanta formations, from Nature [Hubbell] telescope

Picture, GALAXY M-51 closed wave “vortex” quantum formation.

Stefan's Quintet. 7317-

Click for larger imagemerging galaxy[quantum]


NASA M-51 The magnetic swirl, to the right, and the energetic swirl, left- together quantum- gravitational wave formation.



quantum formation


by energe-

tic paths They are not



On basis NATURE observations end this picture I write equations of two semi loops quantum formation.







Equation: of everything, quantum, basic for endless creations and equations by two perpendicular semi loops-spins, equilibrium of all forces, create string cocoon, bubble 3 D formation of endless directional forces and times with all 11 dimensions [Tejman]. Small or large quanta have the same behavior and obey the same rules [A. Einstein].

The first laboratory quantum create

 M. Faraday!  Rigid formationof two closed, perpendicular spins, energetic time forces, formation that was the laboratory created quantum, basic formation, of electromagnetc force that create all forces and creations.

      The first laboratory quantum formation  [see picture] composed by two parts, electric and magnetic [motion of one force] which by peculiar motion create two basic forces electromagnetic of quantum. By motion of on one part appears simultaneously energetic force in second part. That explains beautiful this one force, of two behaviors.  The “two” active forces are not opposite, only appears by swirling motion of the one force by superposition of two perpendicular spins.




These two behaviors I explain by two semi loops 720 [as we see in galaxies pictures]. This one time [two time forces] is unbelievable, ingenious creation of nature superposition of two forces time, acting simultaneously [like Schrödinger’s cat].


On basis Faraday’s experiment wrote Maxwell ingenious equation of swirling continue motion of energetic matter, create two [from one] forces. The famous, Maxwell, equation, clearly show motion of energetic matter by open quanta formation [electric-magnetic-electric..magnetc…...



Two perpendicular forces [ of the one ] always appears in superposition



Maxwell equations: Open quantum of two [one swirling] main forces.





In all equations by continue swirling motion appears shift electric force to magnetic and vice versa.


c = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\mu_0 \varepsilon_0}}. \

Traveling sinusoidal plane waves, with the [two semi loops-behavior] electric and magnetic field Directions orthogonal [perpendicular] to one another and the direction of travel, and with the two fields in phase, traveling at the speed


Maxwell equation, exactly, describe the Nature behavior and vice versa.


High energetic organic and not organic formations behave as open continue quanta [electric-magnetic-electric two perpendicular semi loops.]


Quantum energetic matter dispersion

Quantum energetic matter dispersion

Quantum reproduction(duplication)


Quantum ren

Two perpen-

dicular semi

loops !


High energetic formations are open string time quanta formations



electricity open   

quanta wavemotion.  

 Motion of open quanta.


Water, open quanta, wave motion.   DNA, open quanta, motion. 


Quantum bubble formation


Electromagnetic force motion. 


Wave [quantum] creation and behavior


One sophisticated strong force [electromagnetic] crate everything.

One force [electromagnetic] create 4 forces by quantum [vortex] creation.

Because the behavior of quantum is endless so appears differentImportant quanta equations.


Schrödinger’s equation:


Faraday’s equation:


Maxwell equation:

Planck’s equation:

Einstein’s  equation:

The de Broglie equation   f =E/h,  or  E= fXh


Electric strong [string-path] force, create quantum formation which by phase transitions disperse again back to “space” which is source for new energetic matter circulation.

For understand magnetism we must understand electromagnetic quantum behavior in different phase transitions.


The structure of the wave [quantum] formation is amenable to the creation of various life forms. Any change in the proportion of energetic matter in the loops leads to a new phase transition in which one of the loops has other energetic properties. These changes to the equilibrium between the energetic and magnetic loop result in different behaviors.

To follow are mathematical equations for the balance between the energetic and magnetic loop of a wave formation in various phase transitions:


  1. High Energetic Phase Transition (Hyperspace negative gravity):


In hyperspace, energetic matter (energy, space and time) propagates endlessly, while the magnetic loop (matter) almost disappears. {nearly 0} as that occurs in Hyper universe.





  1. The Duality Phase:{ photon }.

The phase transition of a photon is in a state of duality equilibrium} whereby the magnetic loop equals the energetic loop, which equals 1. In this phase, both loops are balanced and therefore the photon has the longest lifespan.

{nearly 0} as that occurs in Hyper universe.




3.Low Energetic-High Magnetic Phase Transition {positive gravity}.

3. Low Phase Transition-High Magnetic, gravity semi loop-time condensed .



In this phase, the magnetic loop is induced to compliment the energetic loop by accelerating the pace at which it spins. This helps maintain the equilibrium of the wave {quantum}. Moreover, energy, space, and time are most condensed in this phase, as the magnetic properties (loop) gain the ascendancy! In fact, this is exactly what transpires in a nuclear bomb, as extremely condensed units of energy, space and time are released by the explosion

Now we can better understand magnetism.


The best explanation provide the NATURE alone.

Magnetism appears by motion [circulation] of electromagnetic force

Opposite the direction of the current, mutual repellent is active because magnetic forces are in opposite directions, and when the currents are in the same direction the wires attract each other because magnetic forces are in the same directions

Electricity flow direction and magnetic behavior.

The electric force (high energetic photon) is marked as ‘+’ and the second [perpendicular] energetic-magnetic paths is marked as “–“ or ”‘0”.

The motion of electricity in wires appears mainly in 1-2 phase transition and the magnetic field [force] is perpendicular to electric current.                                             In the 3 phase transition the magnetic field [force] extend only by adding energy to ferrimagnetic ordering formations, however theinvisible weak field (force) always exists. Magnetic matter surrounds a coil appears exactly as flow [circulation] of energy in wave formation. The magnetic field is proportional to the energetic force motion at the time. The energetic loop in wave formation may be changeable, but the magneticgravity semiloop remains stabile according to phase transition of formation at the time.                                                                       Stroking an iron bar with a magnet magnetizes the bar, enlarging its energetic space by adding energetic matter. We transfer energy to the bar, which must accept it and cannot transfer it. It cannot enlarge its waves, and can enlarge its energetic space only temporarily. We can measure the additional energy enlarging the bar’s magnetic field.

Energetic matter added to a magnet that has lost most of its charge adds energy to “old” atoms and molecules, enlarges their energetic path and re-establishes bonds between them. As energetic matter cannot rest, it escapes; the bonds break again and the magnet returns to its previous state. For energetic matter to exist, it must maintain a closed swirl formation of circulating energy

           The illustration shows the flow of energetic matter in a horseshoe magnet. The metal shavings align themselves along invisible paths, forming a closed energetic flow                                                                                                                                                                                   

Metals that lose energy maintain magnetic properties. Although their energetic loops disperse energy, their magnetic-gravity semiloops hold it strongly. Their molecules lose energetic space and become more condensed, as does their peripheral energetic space. Energetic paths are shortened. By adding energy, we renew and enlarge the energetic loops’ space. The molecules bond in the energetic paths, enlarging the object’s energetic and magnetic space.

When a magnet breaks in two, each piece becomes a magnet. We can continue thus breaking and creating more magnets forever (picture below). This is a classic example of the infinite nature of energetic matter, with two behaviors as one force.

Magnetism-gravity is an ingenious creation of energetic matter. This force creates an perpendicular force. They compete in every formation and are the basis of everything in the universe. Every change in energetic formations is the result of energetic activity. 

This process continues until [quantum] disperses to space [Second law of thermodynamics, Tejman]. That means that the two forces appears together in superposition in quantum and disperse together by quantum evolution to create new formations.

Magnetism is continuously waved and mixed with electric strong force. But most amazing is that the electromagnetic force appears in superposition of two behaviors as one entity like Schrödinger’s cat paradox.

 The sophisticated electromagnetic force two faces, appears in constant superposition as one entity. Electromagnetic force explain beautiful the Schrödinger’s cat paradox and vice versa. The two behaviors are as one entity [that is reality! not paradox! ] and they always appears together in quantum formation.

Only the NATURE with its amazing, ingenious, sophisticated “paradoxes” behavior created our Universe, life and even our spirit.


File:Antiferromagnetic ordering.svg

Like ferromagnetism, ferrimagnets retain their magnetization in the absence of a field

Ferrimagnetic ordering /wiki/Magnetism

Antiferromagnetic_ordering /wiki/Magnetism


Magnetism by pict.

VFPt Solenoid correct2.svg

Magnetic lines of force of a bar magnet

 shown by iron filings on paper

Electromagnets attracts paper clips


Electromagnets attracts paper clips when current is applied creating a magnetic field. The electromagnet loses them when current and magnetic field are removed.


I repeat; only one electric strong force by swirling motion create perpendicular magnetic[gravity] basic electromagnetic force [one force], which create vortex [quantum] that creates 4 forces and all formations.


 Quantum formations are endless and very sophisticated so equations are very sophisticated. because electric string path [semi loop] is not stabile, but magnetic/gravity semiloops is stabile so, is easy to deal, with electromagnetic forces and easy to perform equations and understand them.                 


Magnetism. perpendicular force to main swirling electromagnetic force stream motion and is always in superposition.

This paper may be subject to copy, but please cited the source.


© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry. July. 2010

Theory of everything.





important magnetism equations.

Units of electromagnetism                                                       SI units related to magnetism SI electromagnetism units


Name of Quantity

Derived Units


Base Units


Electric current

ampere (SI base unit)


A (= W/V = C/s)


Electric charge




U, ΔV, Δφ; E

Potential difference; Electromotive force



J/C = kg·m2·s−3·A−1

R; Z; X

Electric resistance; Impedance; Reactance



V/A = kg·m2·s−3·A−2



ohm metre




Electric power



V·A = kg·m2·s−3





C/V = kg−1·m−2·A2·s4


Electric field strength

volt per metre


N/C = kg·m·A−1·s−3


Electric displacement field

Coulomb per square metre





farad per metre




Electric susceptibility




G; Y; B

Conductance; Admittance; Susceptance



Ω−1 = kg−1·m−2·s3·A2

κ, γ, σ


siemens per metre




Magnetic flux density, Magnetic induction



Wb/m2 = kg·s−2·A−1 = N·A−1·m−1


Magnetic flux



V·s = kg·m2·s−2·A−1


Magnetic field strength

ampere per metre



L, M




Wb/A = V·s/A = kg·m2·s−2·A−2



henry per metre




Magnetic susceptibility



