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Grand Unified Theory
Wave theory
United nature theory
Theory of everything


 Ufo {Unidentified flying object} Explanation.

Explanation according to United Nature Theory-Wave Theory which only describe and explain nature behaviour,  The behavior of NATURE {energetic matter} is simple but is so sophisticated that is still beyond our imagination and source for endless investigations.

Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.   Jerusalem.

Ufo: High electric energetic matter swirl by gravitational semi-loop.

Fireball: very condensed energetic matter by gravitational semi-loop.                                   

The sophisticated, wildest behavior of energetic matter that move by revolve and rotate {swirling} motion create high condensed energetic space time like fireball swirl and less condensed but high energetic space time like UFO swirl, or like swirls in lake water. The scattering of energetic matter in space is not by homogeneity, but the wildest behavior of energetic matter by constant revolve and rotate motion create by space time geometry {A. Einstein} two kind of semi loops that together form gravitational wave {quantum} which is stabile energetic space time geometry formation {Tejman}.

Several million volts of electricity posing with the image in its original context.


The energetic matter that move by revolve and rotate {swirling}motion create everything.


Before the terms “flying saucer” and “UFO” were coined in the late 1940s, there were a number of reports of unidentified aerial phenomena in the West. These reports date from the mid-nineteenth to early twentieth century.

Explanation of Fireball and Unidentified flying object.

To understand of this natural creation and behavior of Ufo and Fireball we must understand the behavior of the nature and United Nature Theory explain and even predict like phenomenon’s of the quantum {wave} formation behavior. 

Introduction of quantum by M. Planck {the most basic sophisticated creation of Nature} and development of this idea by A. Einstein give the key to success of understand behavior of the nature.

Those different quanta formations create everything so that are different equations for this same sophisticated creation.   

From all equations we see, that are two main’s behaviors,            


Faraday’s, Maxwell’s. Schrodinger’s and Tejman’s equations show that both said of their equations are composed by the same energetic matter.  

That means that only one substance creates everything that have two mains behaviors and one behavior can pass from one form to the other and vice versa. WAVE to PARTICLE and PARTICLE to WAVE.



Schrodinger’s equation:


Faraday’s equation:


Maxwell equation:

Planck’s equation:         

Einstein’s  equation:

       The de Broglie equation   f =E/h,  or  E= fXh

.All those equations are related to this one ingenious sophisticated quantum {wave} formation and the United Nature Theory try describes and explains this formations and its behavior.

Tejman’s equation, on basis different scientific observations, explain, that all, nature stabile formations must be quantum

{two “semi -loops”} formation.


Left, magnetic semi-loop is more- gravity.   Right, electric semi-loop is more- energetic            

 Left. particle behavior.      Both, together, are wave-particle        Right, electric behavior.


Every “semi –loop” have some properties of the other, and their proportions are dependent by phase transition.


The phase transition of a photon is in a state of duality whereby the magnetic semi-loop equals the energetic semi-loop, which equals 1 {1=1}. In this phase, both semi loops are balanced and therefore the photon has the longest lifespan. But in different phase transitions the proportion of the semi-loops, electric/magnetic are changed that cause, that quantum formation became other behavior.

Energetic matter –constant active, moving, condensed energetic space time, Van der Waals force, Casimir force that by revolve and rotation motion create quantum,

wave - particle formation {C. Tejman}.

A. Einstein: space fabrics….. Condensed space, time….. Space time curvatures.


The quantum formation has different shapes.

Quantum {M. Planck} is comprised of two energetic semi-loops {+and-0}

wave formation {C. Tejman}.

Energetic matter motion { red electric path, blue magnetic path }.



Rotation and revolve motion of energetic matter {red-electric,

Blue-magnetic properties} create quantum {M. Planck} =

wave formation {C. Tejman}. 


Energetic matter moving by space time curvatures and by dint of its swirling and spinning behaviors, create waves {quanta} formations.


Wave formation:{quantum} the energetic loop to the right (of both pictures) pushes outward, while the magnetic-gravity loop (left) pushes the energetic matter inside


More explanation of space time curvatures {geometry} behavior.


Galaxy M 51 {classical two semi loop wave formation} quantum.



 Electric semi-loop…magnetic semi-loop {wave particle}

The best formation for investigation of energetic matter is photon {M. Planck} quantum {wave particle}. It is well known experiment of light, with two perpendicular slits which clearly show that photon have two properties, behaviors not identical, but they have some properties of each other and one can turn into second and vice versa.

That means that this one behavior of the sophisticated energetic matter by change space time geometry {A. Einstein} turn into other behavior. 

Absolutely everything in the universe derives from the same, identical form of energetic matter — the wave formation — and adheres to its rules. Every stable energetic formation {quantum} is thus a wave formation: one quantum composed of two swirls (vortices, electric and magnetic) that are connected by energetic paths.

A. Einstein’s space time geometry is explained by United Nature Theory {C.Tejman} by introducing to quantum two semi loops {720˚}, electric and magnetic – that is one wave.                The behavior of energetic matter{photon}in two slits experiment.

The two properties of this one photon – quantum, wave, formation.

Photons structure.


Tracery from chapter: Photon-wave theory {book 1, Tejman}

Book I United Nature Theory



Explanations of photons, light, stream.




In photons {quanta} stream, energetic matter, circulate inside and between photons.



Solitary photon immediately disperse to space



The movement of energetic matter, in light, that is aligned into stream of photons.



Motion of energetic matter.



Motion of energetic matter by condensed magnetic-gravity {semi-loop-blue}

and electric path { dispersion semi-loop-red}like Maxwell equation.


Upshot-Knothole Grable


The best explanation we obtain from nature of behavior the same matter.



Motion of energetic matter in DNA {double helix}.

Only nature can explain quantum {gravitational wave} formation





NASA The magnetic swirl, to the right, and the energetic swirl - left 




Quantum formation


Motion of energetic matter in closed wave {quantum} two semi loops {2-quarks} formation



The motion of energetic matter by quanta formation in hurricane {NASA}.


The motion of energetic matter by open quanta formations. 


For understand the behavior of Ufo we must comprehends the fireball creation.

  Water molecules, which are also small wave formations, garner their energy from the sun and other sources. Gradually, the molecules become more energetically active aforementioned increase in energy expands the energetic space of the molecules and subsequently the link between neighboring molecules is weakened and their hydrogen and oxygen electron circles (loops) expand. They, then, act as an anti-gravitation force (for a limited period), which is capable of countering the earth’s gravitation, and they then proceed to evaporate in the sky by cloud formation.

 As posited in my equation of gravitation, the two vortexes of a wave are endowed with antagonistic properties, and in constant competition but are nevertheless aligned as one wave formation in which the forces of gravitation and anti-gravitation are in a state of perpetual superposition (Schrödinger’s ingenious idea) .     

Tejman’s equation of gravity:



energetic matter


 Newton and Einstein’s equations on gravity are well known. To follow is an additional approach to the behavior of gravity in different phases.

If energetic matter is highly concentrated in a limited area, gravity is correspondingly high and vice versa. We can think of gravity as concentrated energetic matter in a particular space: the more concentrated the matter, the higher the level of gravity. also contribute to the force of gravity.

The relative proportion of the energetic loops in a particular formation determines if the structure is in a wave or particle phase transition. Water molecules that have enlarged their energetic space ascend and enter the wave phase transition, like cloud formation. This increase in energy results in larger cloud circles, which facilitate the circulation of additional energetic matter. The Energetic matter is in a state of perpetual motion and in order to maintain this movement it must be enclosed in a wave formation, like cloud


formation. Therefore, the energy creates clouds, and every type of cloud is essentially a wave formation.

  Logically, waves should constantly expand due to the constant increase of energy from the sun. However, nature follows its own set of rules. Wave theory contends that from the moment that the creation of an energetic wave and cloud is complete it ceases to expand. They can only absorb or store limited quantities of energy temporarily. In our particular case of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, the energy is expelled and dispersed primarily by water drops and lightning, which is a pure form of energetic matter (electric. quark  semi loop). The second semi-loop with heavy condensed properties,{magnetic, gravity quark} is also dispersed, slowly by water molecules-rain, Consequently, rain is always accompanied by a rise in the temperature of the surrounding area. Suddenly dispensation of energetic matter cause of very strong lightning {electric – semi loop} and appearance simultaneously large magnetic –gravity condensed semi-loop from clouds which disperse more slowly- THAT IS THE FIREBALL but UFO appears in hot regions by swirls of condensed energetic matter {air} that disperse similar to atomic bomb.            The behavior of NATURE {energetic matter} is simple but is so sophisticated that is still beyond our imagination and source for endless investigation.                                

True power displayed

Lightening – electric semi loops of quantum.

Rains and fireball – magnetic semi loop.    Wild mushroom.{energetic matter motion}

Small and large quantum has the same behavior. Einstein.




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High condensed clouds {gravity-magnetic semi loops} - create fireball.

High electric- galaxies {like energetic semi loop- galaxies like ufo behavior}.



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Well know formations from nature. {those like pictures not needs explanation}

Upshot-Knothole Grable


Atomic explosion like Fireballs and vice versa.


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Fireball                                 Fireballs                            Atomic explosion

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Motion of energetic matter

by quanta formations


Motion of energetic matter by quanta

Mor pictures from Yahoo com.


  FIREBALL, arise by suddenly discharge of energetic matter from clouds which always appears as quantum formation {two semi-loops, electric- lightning and second magnetic- rain and FIRBALL.                                                                                  

 Ufo: High electric energetic matte, in gravitational semi loop.                                                                                                                                

Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry. Marc 2008