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Grand Unified Theory
Wave theory
United nature theory
Theory of everything


Solar system quantum by strings-energetic paths

by Quantum 3 D –M-  bubble, Planck, curled formation of regional space time swirl .  

Quantum-Gravitational wave 3 D strings, space time geometry- bubble-  [for all quanta formations]—Einstein. .

 Quantum: Composed by 3 D bubble [for all

quanta formations]- stringsenergetic paths, which

by swirling rotation and revolving motion create strings

wave, formation, of electro-magnetic and gravity semi loops720 –

two perpendicular spins forces two semi loops of

gravitational wave.[C.Tejman].

Continue motion of energetic matter [energetic packages] in closed

strings [quantum] formation may appear only by spin changing [72o  -

metabolism of quantum energetic matter] .  


To quantum different equations. Why does that happen?

 After many years I understand that all ingenious equations of all

 ingenious scientists describe the same ingenious, sophisticated

quantum. The answer is simple: quantum has endless formations

and unified of all forces and the United Nature Theory explains the

 natural quantum formation behavior as it really appears in nature

and unites all these ingenious equations.

From these different equations we see that all forces and creations

are created by quantum formation.


Schrödinger’s equation:



Faraday’s equation:



Maxwell equation:


Planck’s equation:          


Einstein’s  equation:


 The de Broglie equation   f =E/h,  or  E= fXh

Tejman’s equation of everything explain the behavior of quantum

in different phase transitions by changing proportions of two semi

loops [her in in photon phase transition]


In different phase transitions the proportion are other.


Tejman Chaim Henry.


United Nature Theory-Wave Theory.


This work is only additional step for understand the

sophisticated, ingenious, endless creations of energetic matter


Every formation, small or large in order to be stabile

must be

quantum creation [M. Plank, A. Einstein].

Planets are quanta inside the huge solar quantum


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31 the andromeda galaxy

Solar_System_5.gif597 x  10 electric [nucleus

Neon atom semi-closed

 quantum formation-10

electric [nucleus] swirls


phase transition of energetic matter from galaxy to atom.

Every planet[electron neutron swirl]has inside the sun its own

 electric [Kerr] swirl, like as atoms quanta.  

Solar corona may be first “pro-planet” of solar system like as

Asteroid belt or Saturn rings[not “condensed planets”.


Every planet [quantum] behave similar as the like

 corresponding atom quantum, that can explain axial tilt

of major planets but solar energetic axis is very prolonged

that change the corresponding, to alike according atoms


Solar system quantum formation as

phase transition between galaxy and atom behaviour.

From side view, we clearly see, that solar system

 behave ike two swirls.


 Solar system two


Electric and gravity



Every quantum formation composed by two swirls [720’]

electric and gravity.

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Galaxy: huge energetic s

pace time quantum

Solar system- condensed quantum

Atom quantum very condensed.

Galaxy: by disperse energetic space time and by phase

 transitions create stars, planets and atoms…everything.


 Every planet

has it quantum space

Every planet

has it quantum space vibration.

Every planet

has it quantum space gravity.

Every planet

rigid quantum formation.

Solar system rigid quantum formation.


Every qantum with its specific vibration not interact with

other quantum formation.

Solar corona first pro-star.

Every planet  

has it


M64: The Black Eye Galaxy

behavior and

gravity .




Solar  quanta [planets] not collide [like soap bubbles]

The most classic example of quantum

 formation from nature is galaxy M-

51.[more beautiful picture can’t be]


That is not collision of


NASA The magnetic swirl, to the right, and the energetic swirl, left- together quantum gravitational wave formation




quantum formation


by energe-

tic paths.

These pictures explain quantum formation by United nature

theory and by string theories and vice versa.

Two semi loops of perpendicular forces electromagnetic and gravity.

These forces appears by 3 D segments strings path motion.

Quantum formation by swirling, continue strings, motion that create two main forces in define space time.

Hank-wave of perpendicular strings energetic path

In closed quantum formation energetic matter circulates until

 disperse to space [by phase transitions].

Our universe is open quantum formation-that means-that

the energetic circulation continue from one quantum

 formation to other quantum formation.

Our Universe was created from “space regional swirl”

and disperses again to space and  creates new universes

by endless circulation at this mysterious energetic “space fabrics substance”.

 [picture below explain behavior of our universe and all

 its creations]

After formation of quantum formation the energetic matter

escape all time from this creation and disperse again to space.

The escaping energy [infra red] radiation, is absorbed by other

formations or creates new stable and unstable quanta

formations, [second law of thermodynamics-Tejman].


The galaxies are primary stabile quanta formations

and appears in different phase transitions.  Pict.

Young galaxies are with large electric semi loop [high

 phase transition-superstring theory].

Go to fullsize image x_galaxies.jpg


Go to fullsize imageHST_Colliding


Go to fullsize imageantennae galaxies

Go to fullsize imagescifi_Galaxies.



The wildest behavior of energetic matter can’t create matrix

 formations [Heisenberg uncertainty principle] so every galaxy has

its own specific behavior.

The Sombrero Galaxy, an example of an unbarred spiral galaxy.  Credit:Hubble Space Telescope/NASA/ESA.


The Sombrero Galaxy, Hubble


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Photograph of the "Great Andromeda Nebula" from 1899, later identified as the Andromeda Galaxy


 "Great Andromeda "

  from Andromeda Galaxy


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  Every galaxy composed by two swirls [electric-Kerr and gravity-Schwarzschild wirl]


m82, Ursa Major. SCf/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7

I Zwicky 18 (lower left) resembles a newly-formed galaxy.. Credit:Hubble Space Telescope/NASA/ESA.

:Hubble Space 



NGC 1300, an example of a barred spiral galaxy.  Credit:Hubble Space Telescope/NASA/ESA.NGC 1300 Hubble


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spiral galaxiesnasa TopTechWriter

 Prediction: Please found the complexity of  the ”like

 single” galaxies because every formation [quantum] in

order to be stabile must be composed by two swirls

connected  by energetic path. 

Elderly galaxies are like photons phase transition.

Electric semi loop balance [equilibrium] with

gravity{magnetic}semi loop.[string theory].

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jpg727 x 372 |


NGC 4414, a typical spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma Berenices, is about 17,000 parsecs in diameter and approximately 20 million parsecs distant. Credit:Hubble Space TelescopeNASA/ESA.

NGC 4414, constellation

Credit: NASA/ESA




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up galaxies showBy

like solar and neon a. structure.

Low phase transition: Old galaxies dominant gravity

semi loop.

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 New created galaxies have large electric space prolonged time and

 low gravity.[dispersed energetic matter]  TIn elderly galaxies the

space is condensed time [shorter] and gravity arise.

United Nature-Wave Theory considers that three

sophisticated creations Time, Space and Energy are

basic media that create everything by space time

curvatures which by revolving-rotation [swirling]

motion create quantum formation that create

 everything. The behaviour of quantum is

simple but still beyond our understanding.

The three constant active media - time, space and energy

- are waved together.  Each has its own properties and

behaviours; one cannot exist without the others.  Theoretically,

each of them has no beginning and no end, and they are all one

 entity but are changeable, depending on different phases of

energetic matter in which they appear and decay together. .

These three media - time, space and energy create sophisticated

wave-quantum-formation which has beginning and end that

creates- everything.

  Energetic matter 

There are different idea for the basic space fabrics, substance that

create everything.   {still mystery for us}

A.                                    Einstein: space fabrics….. Condensed space, time….. Space

B.                                     time curvatures .  

Exist and not exist {E. Schrödinger}.

Uncertainty principle {Heisenberg}

Energetic matter {C. Tejman}}≈ “Condensed energetic, space,


 created by space fabrics, Casimir forces, Van der Waals forces,

dark matter. Which by space time curvatures and revolve-rotation

motion,  created two semi unclosed loops {720˚space time

geometry-Einstein}six quarks [Murray Gell-Mann] wave formation

{Tejman} quantum {Planck} formation – wave  particle {Einstein,

de Broglie}


Motion of energetic matter.

Wave-quantum velocity, like Einstein’s relative time -  relative

 wave motion.

Signal-velocity, Newton’s absolute time - Newton’s absolute

quantum velocity [instantly to all parts of quantum formation –

small or large]. Velocity of Newton’s quantum is absolute { rigid }

by nets of electric and magnetic paths. Example rigid quantum

Universe [Newton’s absolute time and absolute motion] ruled all

its formations by rigid quantum formation in their energetic path,

like as in army [not chaos].

The nature by ingenious human technology show us everything

and by some common sense we must it understand.


There are different ways of solar systems creation and one of them

[beautiful!] are by


Example of solar systems creation


In early 2002, star from constellation (mok-no-ser-05) , v838

 monoceratis ,grew very bright and then faded away with very

interesting appearance in its envelope.


This solar system creation was accompanied by a large explosion

and the appearance of surrounding shell.





The same star going through the different stages of maturation



The photographs above (pic1.-6) are outstanding in depicting the

creation of gravitational waves, (quant). Electric semi loop form in

the center and magnetic matter semi loop form in the periphery.

All appear as a gravitation wave, (bubble). By  pushing force

(fundamental force). (Pict.2), a dispersion of  the shell occurs.


Picture 3 illustrates , expansion of energetic shell, gravitational

 matter. In picture 4-5, this creation  continues to grow and cool

down. Pic.6 shows large energetic path (red) ,solar prominence

which creates the shell around magnetic path semi loop.


In  pic. 4-5 at the top left (11 o'clock) additional prominence

appears with energetic formation on apex  and that can explain the

creation of a planet which obeys different  rules of the large discs

and maybe in this fashion appears also new formation like Venus.


The large disk is also a prominence which has contacts with

 energetic source which is the source for planet formation. The

prominence shell is huge, containing a lot of energetic matter

 within the shell's center with considerable thickness, and can

explain why center planets like Jupiter and Saturn are larger from

the others and still the most energetic in the solar system.


We observe energetic matter dispersing from the shell resembling

 flat feathers. Pic. 4-5-6 This may explain Saturn's rings formation.



A similar sight resembling a solar system creation  was discovered

by scientist working with SUBARO telescope  who observed a

 protostar with a protoplanetary dust surrounding it..


According to UMITED NATUTE THEORY the wildest behavior

of energetic matter can’t create matrix formations so different

options exist to create like formations.

Additional option: to solar system creation.



  Every quantum formation [M. Planck]-gravitational

wave [A. Einstein]-behave like large photon-like hydrogen atom [C. Tejman].


Quantum [M. Planck] = Wave formation [C. Tejman] classical

perpendicular structure  [quantum formation].of all dimensions-



Every following atom is created by additional photon [hydrogen atom]

Because solar system, quantum formation appears as phase

 transition between galaxy and atom behaviour. I bring like atoms

structure that, may be, can help to understand the behaviour of


Explanation of basic general behavior of all quanta formations

from galaxy to atom but in different phase transition their shape

and behavior change 

The energetic [Kerr swirl- [mixed all forces times] condensed

regional energetic space time swirl [vortex] expel electromagnetic

 swirling string electric path with all time forces [genes].

Electromagnetic string path on its line motion disperse [outside]

energetic strings [prolonged future time forces that continue

 endless recycling [by evolution] quanta forces On the end of its

 swirling string path, create second swirl [Schwarzschild-white

hole] which also mixed of all forces times and expelled as gravity

swirling string, [space time curvatures forces ].


The magnetic- gravity strings paths are curled to inside of itself

 forces and time shrunk [condensed]. In gravity paths the time and

forces [condensed]. The main electromagnetic path disperse to

inside open quanta formations dispersed strings creating small

different quanta forces times [they are hard to detect because they

are semi closed unstable strings formations maybe they are the

small connected quanta forces-bosons that together with gravitons

are quantum bubble fulfillment.

Quantum 3D which unified of all forces may be condensed as

neutrino or large as universe .

Theoretical  explanation of quantum behavior of all forces. 

Every strings [segment- small string-open quantum] wearer all

forces but their properties [symmetry, balance and spin] are

 changed by

phase transitions but energetic balance of the “two

semi loops forces” is always preserved.

Pict. creation of quantum formation, by peculiar

 motion of energetic, electric string, path.

 Only nature alone is able explains this, likesimple”

sophisticated creation.

Regional swirl [vortex] by space time curvatures that by

 their peculiar swirling condensation motion create

condensed energetic space that in most condensation

point expel electric path-string which by swirling,

revolving and rotation motion create two perpendicular

forces-spins [open quantum formation] like photon



Swirling motion of energetic matter.   

Segment        segment

Segment   Segment              Segment


The thickness of string depending of energetic condensed space in regional

swirl that creates open or closed 720 quantum formation.

Electric, energetic string, by its swirling and spinning motion by 3D time space curvatures create quantum, open duality formation Two main perpendicular spin forces.  


Wave formation:{quantum, closed] composed by electromagnetic[semi loop-spin1] strings Forces that pushes outward and inward, while the magnetic[gravity semi loop-blue] pushes the energetic matter inside (left semi loop]     spin  2, ­- condensed space time

The swirling motion of energetic 3D strings-path time create

 duality of-strings quanta formations that are composed of

endless segments [zoo]

Motion of energetic matter by two formations

{semi-loops-swirls} electric-magnetic {720˚ quantum


Strong force {+}and weak force{0-}

Retrograde Motion

Appears by Schwarcszshild swirl and I bring like examples from

nature.                  The period between such retrograde motions is

the Synodic period of the planet. Retrograde motion appears only

once in the period of quantum. 

Credit & Copyright: Tunc Tezel

These NASA pictures of motion of the energetic matter in

 hurricane swirl that appears from regional swirl and by one

electromagnetic force continue create like formations


: [open quanta].  Electromagnetic pushing swirling force is the

ONE main force.


More beautiful pictures and explanation of energetic

matter motion can’t be! Motion of energetic

electromagnetic force [path] by swirling motion

create gravity perpendicular loop [swirl] force.

This image shows the apparent pattern made by the planet Mars while in 'retrograde motion' during 2003.  The middle of the yellow line bends in a loop, giving the illusion that Mars' movement is erratic.

This image shows Mars' path across a black sky studded with pinpricks of white light that represent stars. A yellow line moves from the upper right frame of the image toward the lower left corner, connecting red dots labeled with dates that correspond with Mars' position on selected nights from June 2005 to March 2006. The middle of the yellow line bends backward like a paperclip and then bends forward again. In the middle of this middle section is a large white dot labeled 10/29, the date of Mars' closest approach in 2005. Around the yellow line, blue lines connect bright white dots that represent stars in labeled constellations, including Perseus, Triangulum, Aries, Pisces, Cetus, and Taurus. At the bottom of the image is the upper edge of a hilly, gray horizon.


Ptolemy's geocentric model

Different retrograde motions (swirls): see also backward time

[Tejman’s works],


Pictures familiarly to every astronomer: Retrograde motion like

Schwarzschild swirl.



Retrograde swirl of as l  celestial formations. Every quantum

formation small as large have the same like behavior (A. Einstein). ./photos/nature.html Kids/anatomy/anat09.h

Swarzsschild swirl white hole gravity semi-loop.

Every stabile formation must have quantum behavior.  


 Hydrogen atom by electron path enlarge space and



         Shrink -expand. Shrink -expand. 

Energetic matter circulate only in closed,

 gravitational wave, and by changing space time

geometry {720˚} {A. Einstein}.

atom {quantum} breath. “Metabolism” {Tejman}: 

Every quantum formation dilated and shrink include

universe galaxies solar systems and  atoms,

Quantum, breath !   

Shrink –expand…….. Shrink –expand……… Shrink –expand…

  Atom quantumTwo semi-loops {Tejman theory}The atom breathShrink–expand....expand- shrink"Energy"circulat

from energ. loop to magnetic semi loop

and vice versa. Atoms metabolism.



Like ellipse


That is the same law for all energetic


Include Planets.


 Circulation of energetic matter in atom {Tejman} and

Johannes Kepler’s works explain the behavior of energetic

 matter in quantum formation. All Kepler’s laws of

 planets behavior [with some change] are


compatible to electron and atom


.Johannes Kepler


A 1610 portrait of Johannes Kepler by an unknown artist

A 1610 portrait of Johannes Kepler by an unknown


a + b = constant


He announced his first and second laws of planetary motion in

Astronomia nova (1609), which formed the groundwork of Isaac

Newton's discoveries. Kepler also founded modern optics by

postulating the ray theory of light to explain vision.


Though originally stated to describe the motion of planets

around the sun, Kepler's Laws also apply to comets.

LAW 1: The orbit of a planet/comet about the Sun is an ellipse

with the Sun's center of mass at one focus.

Ellipse. The sun would be at one focus.

Equation for ellipse

Animated GIf of Kepler's 2nd Law by Bill Drennon

This is the equation for an ellipse:

LAW 2: A line joining a planet/comet and the Sun sweeps out

 equal areas in equal intervals of time

LAW 3: The squares of the periods of the planets are proportional

to the cubes of their semimajor axes:        Ta2 / Tb2 = Ra3 / Rb3

  • Square of any planet's orbital period (sidereal) is
  •  proportional to cube of its mean distance (semi-major axis)
  • from Sun
  • Mathematical statement: T = kR3/2 , where T = sidereal
  •  period, and R = semi-major axis
  • Example - If a is measured in astronomical units (AU =
  • semi-major axis of Earth's orbit) and sidereal period in
  • years (Earth's sidereal period), then the constant k in
  • mathematical expression for Kepler's third law is equal to
  • 1, and the mathematical relation becomes T2 = R3     


















Gravitation keeps the planets in orbit about the Sun. (Not to scale)





Small Bodies

Explanation of solar first shell and axial tilt of  planets.[see

Tejman’s. Atom shells]



Solar corona

Mercury 01~0

Venus 177.4

Earth 23.439

Mars 25.19


Asteroid belt

Jupiter 3.13

Saturn 26.73

Uranus 97.77

Neptune 28.32

Solar quantum: ellipse formation with prolonged axis tilt compare to

Atom quantum: bubble formation with proportional to

 atoms axis tilt


Behaviour of energetic matter in quantum different formations.


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Go to fullsize image                              spaceplace.jpl.nasa

Go to fullsize imagetw.knowledge

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Solar corona


Like wz article



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    Galaxy M- 51

 Our sun is one H high energetic photon which by

evolutionary process [phase transitions] disperse its 

energetic matter and turn into He atom [two photons]

that create stabile quantum formation + expel huge

amount energetic matter to space.

Single photon [H] can’t exist for a long time, so, two

photons create stabile quantum like Helium closed

stabile quantum formation.

Our solar system [closed quantum like neon atom]

composed of 10 large swirls that create 10 photons

[quanta] .



Axial tilt of planets and corresponding atoms.


Solar nucleus-huge Hydrogen photon, which by

evolutionary phase transitions create stabile like He


Solar photon behave like Hydrogen atom

Prediction: 1. If solar corona is the first pro-star, that

means, in its orbits we must found retrograde swirl


2, If solar corona is the first pro-star, that means,

motion is elliptic,

Intermitted. once closer to the sun and make of from


3 Like planets has condensed properties and not


4. Solar corona has stabile properties like planets.


Mercury: Second solar planet [quantum]behave

 like He atom.  

Helium atom is composed by two [Hydrogen] photons that

create one stabile a-quantum formation.


From James S.Trefil works,

H-He twins.

 Mercury planet=neutron swirl like He atom Axial tilt   2.11′ ± 0.1 LIKE 


Mercury planet [twin of the sun is as gravity part. That is

reason that is cooler than Venus planet, which is energetic twin to earth]   

3 Venus planet compatible to lithium

atom[Earth twins]

Image Preview

Click for larger imagemerging galaxy

Axial tilt   Venus 177.4 [or 2,6]


Size comparison of terrestrial planets (left to right): Mercury,

 Venus, Earth, and Mars

4       Earth Planet compatible to Beryllium

5       atom.[Venus-Eartth twins]

Image:The Earth seen from Apollo 17.jpg

Axial tilt of earth about 23.44° (23° 26’) like 4

 Beryllium atom.

6       Mars planet-Boron atom[Mars energetic twin to asteroid belt]

The planet Mars

Mars is red because is electric twin[more Fe]


Axial tilt 25.19°


 Asteroid belt compatible to carbon atom

6 Carbon atom structure-very high energetic atom asteroid belt


The place of Asteroid belt in solar quantum formation, like as

[Schwarzschild] swirl in Carbon atom formation  are the

“hottest” places of quantum formation.

Prediction: 1. If the very energetic planet explode we must

found similar atoms and different bonds like as in other


Prediction 2. if . If the very energetic solar quantum formation

not condense energetic matter to neutron planet and no make

stabile formation before its electric [glue] was dispersed then

the remnant bonds are different .


7        . Jupiter compatible to N atom [Energetic

8          twin to Saturn] that is the reason that is very hot and

9         create closed moons [not open rings] .

7 Nitrogen atom = Jupiter planet. Axial tilt 3.13°[3]

The layers of dense clouds around Jupiter appear in a photograph of the planet taken by the Voyager 1 space probe. The large, oval-shaped mark on the clouds is the Great Red Spot. The spot is believed to be an intense atmospheric disturbance.


      Axial tilt



8. Saturn planet compatible to Oxygen atom [Jupiter

twins] Book5/html/Oxygen_

Saturn images

Axial tilt 97.77°[3]

Image Preview 


Saturn gravity part of quantum not timely condense energetic

matter formation in the neutron path to form [stabile

formation] before its electric [glue] was dispersed then the

 remnant circulate on their neutron path  instead of condensed



From James S.Trefil works Saturn- radio

Image:Helium atom QM.svg


Uranus planet compatible to  9 Fluorine atom[twin to Neptune]



Image Preview

Axial tilt: 82.14°- of 97.9.


  10, Neptune planet compatible to Neon

 atom[Uranus twin].

Ne. atom closed quantum with 10  formation.

Solar system closed quantum with like 10  formation





axial tilt is 28.8 degrees


The behaviour of energetic matter seems be very simple but

that is the most ingenious sophisticated creation that its

formations are endless. We are still on beginning it



Summary :

The structure of solar quantum and atom are



This paper may be subject to cited, but please remand

the source..


 Dr. Chaim Tejman. Copy right ©   2008–07–02 All

rights reserved.

Book 6 of United nature theory.

Theory of everything.