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Grand Unified Theory
Wave theory
United nature theory
Theory of everything


Einstein’s Twin “Paradox” Equation.


Equation, definition and explanation.


Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.  Jerusalem.

United Nature Theory-Wave theory


Einstein's Twins (not paradox) that is the natural behavior of energetic matter in quantum formation, that appears by expulsion of different smallest wave formations [quanta] from this one energetic matter source (from mother swirl).


These ‘brothers and sisters’ quanta mutually have different space, time and energy (quantum metabolism) and they are in  different phase transitions.       

The unbelievable, ingenious idea that shows the relationship between motion of energetic matter and space-time is only in quantum formation.

United Nature Theory explains this by illustrations of the natural behavior.

Einstein's Twins (not paradox) that is the natural behavior of energetic matter in quantum formation, that appears by expulsion of different smallest ‘brothers and sisters’ wave formations [quanta] from this one energetic matter source (from this on mother swirl).

United Nature Theory explains this by illustrations of the natural behavior.


Coronal loop

Solar prominences –Einstein's Twins”

The three constant active media - time, space and energy - are waved together.  Each has its own properties and behaviours; one cannot exist without the others.  Theoretically, each of them has no beginning and no end, and they are all one entity but are changeable, depending on different phases of energetic matter in which they appear and decay together. .

These three media - time, space and energy create sophisticated wave-quantum-formation which has beginning and and, that creates- everything.


Energetic matter 

There are different idea for the same basic substance that create everything {still mystery for us}

A. Einstein: space fabrics….. Condensed space, time….. Space time curvatures .  

Exist and not exist {E. Schrödinger}.

Uncertainty principle {Heisenberg}

Energetic matter {C. Tejman}}≈ “Condensed energetic, space, time”

 created by space fabrics, Casimir forces, Van der Waals forces, dark matter. Which by space time curvatures and revolve-rotation motion, {space time geometry-Einstein}

 created two semi {two unclosed loops {720˚}six quarks [Murray Gell-Mann] wave forrmation{Tejman} quantum {Planck} formation – wave  particle {Einstein, de Broglie}

Motion of energetic matter.

Einstein’s relative time - Einstein’s relative wave {quantum} velocity.

Newton’s absolute time - Newton’s rigid quantum “signal-velocity”.

Velocity inside quantum is absolute { rigid } by nets of electric and magnetic paths and relative by different quanta motion inside “mother” wave - quantum..            

Rigid quantum Universe ruled all its formations by rigid quanta formations that move on their energetic path, like as in army. .


First suggested by Albert Einstein more than 100 years ago, the Twin “Paradox” that deals with the effects of time in the context of travel of  “matter” at near the speed of light. Einstein originally used twin  “Paradox”. as example of two clocks -- one motionless, one in transit. He stated that, due to the laws of physics, clocks being transported near the speed of light would move more slowly than clocks that remained stationary. In more recent times, the paradox has been described using the analogy of twins. If one twin is placed on a space shuttle and travels near the speed of light while the remaining twin remains earthbound, the unmoved twin would have aged dramatically compared to his interstellar sibling, according to the twin paradox.

  The fact that time slows down on moving objects has been documented and verified over the years through repeated experimentation.

 Einstein and other scientists have attempted to resolve this problem before, but none of the formulas they presented proved satisfactory but United Nature Theory by the three media time, space and energy that create sophisticated wave-quantum-formation able to explain this ingenious Einstein’s idea. These three media by phase transition create endless different formations with their specific behaviour.  

                              hence constant

The increase in space suggests prolonged time and thinning gravity then.




Energetic matter {gravity}

                                           quantum constant.

In different phase transitions the proportion of these three media changed that explains the twins phenomenon.

Enlarged extended space prolonged also the time.

The more enlarged extended space that cause to enlarged extended of time, by extension of space decreases the condensation of energetic matter [decreases the gravity].


  Shrinking space shrink time and arise gravity         vice versa         enlarged spce prolonged time and decreased gravity                

     Low  phase transition                                                                         high phase transition.

Low phase{transition}  = quantum constant – high phase{transition} 


 hence constant




quantum constant

These equations explain behavior of the three media in quantum formation in different phase transitions that is necessary for understand the Einstein’s twin behavior.

Phase Transition [Tejman’s equations].

The ideal structure of energetic matter is the wave formation, quantum which is comprised of an energetic and magnetic two semi unclosed loops {720˚}six quarks, space time geometry-Einstein, wave formation {Tejman} quantum {Planck} and wave particle {Einstein, de Broglie}. Under ideal conditions, such as the photon, the two loops are equal insofar as the properties of their energetic matter are concerned.


The structure of the wave formation is amenable to the creation of various life forms. Any change in the proportion of energetic matter in the loops leads to a new phase transition in which one of the loops has more energetic properties. These changes to the equilibrium between the energetic and magnetic loop result in different behaviors and endless phase [transitions]..

To follow are mathematical equations for the balance between the energetic and magnetic loop of a wave formation in various phase transitions:

1. High Phase Transition: Space time enlarged {energetic semi loop Energy dispersed so gravity almost disappears {nearly 0} as that occurs in Hyper universe.  

Energetic Loop(x)= E{x}


The equilibrium of Magnetic Loop

1 = 1

Energetic Loop(x) 

Magnetic Loop =         M        

and Energetic Loop(x)must be obey

Magnetic Loop

In hyperspace, energetic matter (energy, space and time) propagates endlessly, while the magnetic-gravity loop (matter) almost disappears {nearly 0}.

Energetic Loop(x)            E{x}

In high phase transition the space time may be endless but gravity nearly 0.

   Magnetic Loop                  M        

The gravity appears only by condensation of energetic space time by Einstein’s space-time-curvatures that…creates gravitational wave.  A. Einstein {quantum M. Planck} two semi loops[3x2 quarks] wave formation [Tejman].

2. The Duality Phase: {light-photon}

Energetic Loop


Magnetic Loop

= 1 = 1

 E{space time}

Magnetic Loop

Energetic Loop

 M {magnetic, gravity}

Proton=2 up quarks+1down   

Neutron=2down quarks +1up


The phase transition of a photon is in a state of duality whereby the magnetic loop equals the energetic loop, which equals 1. In this phase, both loops are balanced and therefore the photon has the longest lifespan.

3. Low Phase Transition-High Magnetic, gravity semi loop.  

Magnetic-gravity Loop(x)


Energetic Loop


energetic space time


Energetic space time Loop

Magnetic Loop(x)



In this phase, the magnetic loop is induced to compliment the energetic loop by accelerating the pace at which it spins. This helps maintain the equilibrium of the wave. Moreover, energy, space, and time are most condensed in this phase, as the magnetic properties (loop) gain the ascendancy like neutrino. In fact, this is exactly what transpires in a nuclear bomb, as extremely condensed units of energy, space and time are released by the explosion  

In different phase transitions the gravity of quantum formation change, so Tejman’s equation of gravity fitting this problem.



energetic matter-gravity semi loop    or   energetic space time   M

energetic space time – electric semi loop  Oscillation-frequency  E

Simple: gravity arise in particular space with elevation of condensation energetic matter.

Magnetic-gravity Loop(x)       M

Energetic space time Loop        E

 Newton and Einstein’s equations on gravity are well known. To follow is an additional approach[by United Nature Theory-Tejman]to the behavior of gravity in different phases.

If energetic matter is highly concentrated in a limited swirl area, gravity is correspondingly high and vice versa. We can think of gravity as concentrated energetic matter in a particular space: the more concentrated the matter by swirl formation, the higher the level of gravity. Also contribute to the force of gravity. The relative proportion of the energetic loop in a particular formation determines if the structure is in a wave or particle phase transition. As posited in my equation of gravitation, the two vortexes of a wave are endowed with antagonistic properties, and in constant competition but are nevertheless aligned as one wave formation in which the forces of gravitation and anti-gravitation are in a state of perpetual superposition [Schrödinger’s ingenious idea].

Example: The gravity of earth is greater than sun because gravitational semi loop is proportional greater than the sun’s where electric semi loop is proportional greater.

Continue conclusion :



Hence the space { nothing ? } create energy, time, energetic matter [quantum] that create universe and  everything.




From that we conclude

1.From these equations we conclude that motion of energetic space time is one entity behavior.      2 Every twins have it’s specific space time {metabolism}.

Other equation for time



Time  =      oscillation (frequency)    Quantum constant


Time/ velocity / space/  proportions  -  Quantum constant


Wavelength=  =wave space

                                         λ {wave space}

           Time =   ▬▬    


                              Time =space energy

That means that every sibling have its metabolism proportions..   

All these equations help understand this like simple idea of  Albert Einstein twin paradox Every quantum formation, {wave - particle} expelled from the same source has its own behavior {metabolism}and proportions of space time energy changed dependent of phase transition [space time].

1                                                  2                                             3

Energetic Loop(x) E{x}

 E{space time}

Magnetic-gravity Loop(x)

Magnetic Loop          M        

 M {magnetic gravity}

Energetic space time Loop

high phase

=electric, strong, space force

Medium phase

=photon phase


Low,  gravity

magnetic phase

      Equations :1,2,3 that are in different phase transition always keep their three media proportions  for be quantum constant.


The basic premise of grand unification is that the known symmetries of the elementary particles resulted from a larger (and so far un known) symmetry group G. Whenever a phase transition occurs, part of this symmetry is lost, so the symmetry group changes. This can be represented mathematically

G -> H -> ... -> SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) -> SU(3) x U(1).

Here, each arrow represents a symmetry breaking phase transition where matter changes form and the groups - G, H, SU(3), etc. - represent the different types of matter, specifically the symmetries that the matter exhibits and they are associated with the different fundamental forces of nature. These fundamental forces are the following:

  • Electromagnetism: The group U(1) is associated with the electric and magnetic forces, that is, phenomena such as electricity and light. It was Maxwell's great achievement at the the end of the nineteenth century to unify electric and magnetic effects into one single mathematical theory - electromagnetism.
  • Weak nuclear force: This is the nuclear force associated with radioactivity in many unstable nuclei. In particular, it is associated with the decay of a neutron into a proton. The weak nuclear force was unified with electromagnetism by Weinberg and Salam in the late seventies, into what is known as electroweak theory and which is described by the group SU(2)xU(1). Predictions from this standard unified model were confirmed at the CERN particle accelerator in Geneva in the early 1980's.
  • Strong nuclear force: The group SU(3) is associated with the strong nuclear force which binds together neutrons and protons inside nuclei. The mathematical theory describing the elementary particles in this theory - quarks and gluons - is known as quantum chromo dynamics (QCD). The model is well understood in principle but, in practice, quantitative calculations prove to be very difficult. Models which unify the strong nuclear force with electroweak theory are known as grand unified theories or GUTs.
  • Gravity: The weakest force of all - the gravitational force - is not included in the above scheme. The unification of the other fundamental forces with gravity is one of the great intellectual challenges facing theoretical physics. A number of possibilities exist, such as superstring theory, and they are known as TOEs, that is, theories of everything. The analogue of water may again prove useful in understanding the concept of symmetry

From that we conclude that Einstein’s siblings “Paradox” explain behavior of siblings by different small waves with different phase transition in mother quantum formation. United nature theory explain this phenomenon on wave level.

G -> H -> ... -> SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) -> SU(3) x U(1) This equation help to explain.


Einstein’s Twin “Paradox” [Tejman’s] Equation.

by United Nature Theory                                                                                                





Quantum that was created by space return to space by phase transitions. 




           E[x] ->... ->  M[x]

            M                     E




Every quantum-wave formation after creation

loss slowly its energy and by radiation of endless phase transitions disperse to space..


This equation sight that sophisticated [M. Planck] quantum, wave-particle, matter] appears from hyperspace and by phase transitions return to space and by its sophisticated behavior create everything..

Space time curvatures [A. Einstein] create condensed space time [A. Einstein] that by revolving and rotation motion creates different formation but only one creation,          wave-quantum-formation remains stabile. This “stabile” quantum, that was created by energetic matter-Tejman [condensed energetic spice time- A. Einstein] create endless formations that also by endless phase transitions return back to energetic space [circular vicious]..


In every quantum formation include our Universe appears endless also

quantum formations with their endless behaviors and Einstein's Twins (not paradox) is one of them.


Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry, April 2008  

The theory of everything