Book 5 libraries 

The first volume of the book, United Nature Theory: Wave Theory
(Grand Unified Theory) is catalogued in the American
Library of Congress as

TX 5-572-750         SBN 978965-555-093-1  

Author: Dr. Chaim Tejman

And in Israel’s Hebrew National and University Library document number 0065261.

Copyright © Mishlat Ltd. 2001.


Volume 2.  ISBN: 965-90627-0-2.  Thoughts on Wave Theory :

The book exists in Israel’s Hebrew National and University Library as Document . no. 0095747

Author: Dr. Chaim Tejman.  Edited by: Avi  Aronsky

Copyright © Mishlat Ltd. 2003

Cover photo of Galaxy M-51 is a courtesy of   NASA


BOOK III: ISBN 965-90627-1-0.   Quantum Universe

Library of Congress        TX 6-448-819

Author: Dr. Chaim Tejman

The book exists in Israel’s Hebrew National and University Library as Document.

No. 0118706

Edited by  Nir Sitvani Copyright © Mishlat Ltd. 2005


Volume 4:  The Creation of the Universe by Quantum Evolution.         ISBN: 978-965-90627-2-0

Cover photo volume book 4 is a courtesy of   NASA

The book exists in Israel’s Hebrew National and University Library as Document.

No. O02652466

Author: Dr. Chaim Tejman. Edited by Arami Eyal, Shay Tejman..


Volume 5: Theory of Everything  E v o l u t i o n of Universe. 

 Author: Dr. Chaim Tejman.   Edited by:Noa Tejman-Yarden.

ISBN: 978-965-90627-3-7

The book exists in Israel’s Hebrew National and University Library as Document.

No. O02578910



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