Grand Unified Theory
United nature theory
Theory of everything


Wormhole life source


Tejman Chaim, Henry, Dr.  Jerusalem.


Independed researches of United Nature-Wave theory   


Proton quark composed by 3 holes described by A. Einstein.

Wormhole and black hole create living creations

White hole swelled strings\Long singularity of wormhole-graviton segments\ Black hole\ Singularity.


Wormhole with new roots male and up with female quanta properties


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Embedding diagram of the Schwarzschild wormhole geometry, with white and black holes. 


Proton quark

White hole swelled strings\Long singularity of wormhole-graviton segments\ Black hole\ Singularity.


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hurricane katrina  Thunder

Wormhole in middle with 2 additioal holes by slides .

Artist's impression of a Mars-sized object crashing into the Earth, starting the process that eventually created our Moon. Credit: Joe Tucciarone

Wormhole in middle create our galaxy 



Wormhole in middle create our Universe


Image result for universe 


Wormhole in middle create our galaxy


 The Fermi gamma-ray space  F ermi sees giant bubbles in the Milky

The Universe, is also two semi loops, quantum  

Universe: quantum [two perpendicular semi loops]

of electro- magnetic forces.


two semi loops, strong, electromagnetic force

Artists's Conception of M87's inner core: Black hole, accretion disk, and inner jets. Credit: Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF

Artist's concept showing the core of an active galaxy, where a feeding supermassive black hole drives oppositely directed particle jets. Credit: ESA/NASA/AVO/Paolo Padovani

The down side grows down by individual rounds walls. I thing that most walls energy-strings is from vicinity.  In some Spams I was surprised 


White hole swelled strings\Long singularity of wormhole-graviton segments\ Black hole\ Singularity.

Condensation of strings proton quarks [strings cloud] creates white hole swelled strings\creates singularity of wormhole-graviton segments\ creates Black hole\ Singularity expel maximum condensed strings


Image result for hurricane pict free download 

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/ q=black +hole



Lt. white hole  rt black hole connected by wormhole

Life created by worhole

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Roots between prtons slides of carrots

Yikes! We'll just scape those roots off and the kids will never know :-)  But first, let me grab my camera. 





benefits of    

Roots made by wormhole


          © Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry.  May 6, 2016
