Grand Unified Theory
United nature theory
Theory of everything


Energy Source

Energy made by peculiar wave particle motion of strings bubbles quarks.

Energy made everything INCLUDE LIFE

Energy-force activates every formation by contact,

Energy made by active strings bubbles quarks- by peculiar electromagnetic wave motion create everything [matter, mass and light].

Einstein: E = m c 2

E strings = m c 2 [m = strings x c = strings] 


[Einstein's theory of special relativity (1905) shows that matter (as mass) and energy can be converted into each other according to the famous equation  E = m c 2, where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light. This transformation occurs, for instance].

  Strings bubbles are made by still mystery space fabrics [Einstein] is the most ingenious sophisticated NATURE creation which create everything including our life.

Energy created [by strings quarks electromagnetic wave particle motion] and dispersed [not destroyed] back to space fabrics [circular vicious] for continue evolution


 Tejman Chaim, Henry, Dr.  Jerusalem.

Independed researches of

United Nature-Wave theory-Grand Unified theory 


Energy by

The strength and vitality req,uired for sustained physical or mental activity, power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines

Energy by

Renewable energy is generally defined as energy that is collected from resources which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.

Energy by

In physics, energy is a property of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms.[1]The "ability of a system to perform work" is a common description, but it is misleading because energy is not necessarily available to do work.[2] For instance, in SI units, energy is measured in joules, and one joule is defined "mechanically", being the energy transferred to an object by the mechanical work of moving it a distance of 1 metre against a force of 1 newton.[note 1] However, there are many other definitions of energy, depending on the context, such as thermal energy, radiant energy, electromagnetic, nuclear, etc., where definitions are derived that are the most convenient.

Common energy forms include the kinetic energy of a moving object, the potential energy stored by an object's position in a force field (gravitational, electric or magnetic), the elastic energy stored by stretching solid objects, the chemical energy released when a fuel burns, the radiant energy carried by light, and the thermal energy due to an object's temperature. All of the many forms of energy are convertible to other kinds of energy. In Newtonian physics, there is a universal law of conservation of energy which says that energy can be neither created nor be destroyed; however, it can change from one form to another.

For "closed systems" with no external source or sink of energy, the first law of thermodynamics states that a system's energy is constant unless energy is transferred in or out by mechanical work or heat, and that no energy is lost in transfer. This means that it is impossible to create or destroy energy. While heat can always be fully converted into work in a reversible isothermal expansion of an ideal gas, for cyclic processes of practical interest in heat engines the second law of thermodynamics states that the system doing work always loses some energy as waste heat. This creates a limit to the amount of heat energy that can do work in a cyclic process, a limit called the available energy. Mechanical and other forms of energy can be transformed in the other direction into thermal energy without such limitations.[3] The total energy of a system can be calculated by adding up all forms of energy in the system.

Examples of energy transformation include generating electric energy from heat energy via a steam turbine, or lifting an object against gravity using electrical energy driving a crane motor. Lifting against gravity performs mechanical work on the object and stores gravitational potential energy in the object. If the object falls to the ground, gravity does mechanical work on the object which transforms the potential energy in the gravitational field to the kinetic energy released as heat on impact with the ground. Our Sun transforms nuclear potential energy to other forms of energy; its total mass does not decrease due to that in itself (since it still contains the same total energy even if in different forms), but its mass does decrease when the energy escapes out to its surroundings, largely as radiant energy.

Mass and energy are closely related. According to the theory of massenergy equivalence, any object that has mass when stationary in a frame of reference (called rest mass) also has an equivalent amount of energy whose form is called rest energy in that frame, and any additional energy acquired by the object above that rest energy will increase an object's mass. For example, with a sensitive enough scale, one could measure an increase in mass after heating an object.

Living organisms require available energy to stay alive, such as the energy humans get from food. Civilisation gets the energy it needs from energy resources such as fossil fuels, nuclear fuel, orrenewable energy. The processes of Earth's climate and ecosystem are driven by the radiant energy Earth receives from the sun and the geothermal energy contained within the earth.
In biology, energy can be thought of as what's needed to keep entropy low.

All these different creations made by bubble strings by very complicated ingenious sophisticated electromagnetic wave particle motion.See

The motion of strings bubbles by open quanta formations

Its like that is very simple motion but that is very sophisticated and complicated to understanding.

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We see on this picture all kinds of string bubbles motion.

This peculiar sophisticated motion by vibrating swirling, rotation, wind rewind, revolving strings bubble photon made everything.

On this picture we see all kinds of string motion.

This peculiar sophisticated motion by vibrating swirling, rotation, wind rewind, revolving strings bubble photon made everything.

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Astronomy Picture of the Day - NASA







3 solar prominence: beutifull pict. strings bubbles. 3 strings bubbles made grapefruit.


Strings are extension of bubbles

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Dr. Sircus


That means strings and bubbles are one entity.


Image result for stem cells

Image result for stem cells

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http://www.ultimatemed roup





The released strings appears by strings and bubbles as wave particle.

Strings bubbles are the first visible [for us] and behave like

Higgs - Englert particle.

Released bubbles strings quarks move by photons open quanta.

By wind rewind, revolving strings bubble photon made everything.

This peculiar bubbles strings motion like DNA made all.

Strings bubble quarks activate every creation by contact, by

peculiar sophisticated wave motion [like wheels Swiss watches].


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:// .uk/detail


Creation of strings bubble wave [by NATURE space fabrics Einstein] is still mystery fo us.


Variations in cell programs control cancer, stem cells



Space made and composed by [space fabrics] strings.

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Radio/optical composite of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex showing the OMC-2/3 star-forming filament. GBT data is shown in orange. Uncommonly large dust grains there may kick-start planet formation. Credit: S. Schnee, et al.; B. Saxton, B. Kent (NRAO/AUI/NSF); We acknowledge the use of NASA's SkyView Facility located at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.


hurricane katrin

www.   Thunder

Condensation of strings [in some spaces] creates white cloud. Swirling white cloud create inclination that create white hole.

[White hole mentioned by A. Einstein in General Relativity]

 Pict.  White hole [up] by condensed strings, [strings quarks slides] from vicinity, made singularity that continue by long wormhole [graviton-electricity ] until black hole wich opens [down] and disperse strings for new circle vicious of strings[energy].

These 3 connected holes made strong electric forces of string called protons quark+,

Hurricane expel condensed strings path [electric stings fire] by black hole.





United Nature Theory [U.N.T]

1 Solar [pure] electricity [energy] by solar cells [Photonelectron] by active  strings bubbles wave motion

1] Solar Energy: wiklpedia The energy that gets radiated by the sun is known as Solar energy. It provides us heat and light energy free of cost. The solar energy has lot of application like solar oven, cookers heaters etc.

Solar Energy: solar radiation strings bubbles wave motion source of life in our planet

.  Light" energy by strings bubbles quarks wave motion.

Light [Formula: E = h f] can also be described as waves, in addition to being a packet of energy, each photon also has a specific frequency and wavelength associated with it, which depends on how much energy the photon has (because of this weird duality - waves and particles at the same time - people sometimes call particles like photons "wavicles"). The lower the energy, the longer the wavelength and lower the frequency, and vice versa. The reason that sunlight can hurt your skin or your eyes is because it contains "ultraviolet light", which consists of high energy photons. These photons have short wavelength and high frequency, and pack enough  energy in each photon to cause physical damage to your skin if they get past the outer layer of skin or the lens in your eye. Radio waves, and the radiant heat you feel at a distance from a campfire, for example, are also forms of electro-magnetic radiation, or light, except that they consist of low energy photons (long wavelength and high frequencies - in the infrared band and lower) that your eyes can't perceive. This was a great discovery of the nineteenth century - that radio waves, x-rays, and gamma-rays, are just forms of light, and that light is electro-magnetic waves 

Many scientific laboratories try to made food from solar Light .strings.

  Wave [stream of strings quarks composed by different energetic strings bubbles, that means different waves length. .

wave motion by different


length.   Wave motion: by strings quarks. what is radiant energy

Strings bubbles by wave motion have endless sizes. large wave


Smoke column frSm the


Energetic source expel strings which by peculiar motion msde electromagerynetic wave which smade everything or disperse.

2 Kinetic Energy wiklpedia: The energy possessed as the body is in motion is known as kinetic energy. For example a moving bus, Moving bullets, flowing water etc. In physics, the kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes.[see Newtons mechanic]

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http://www.altenergy /

http://www.calctool .org/CALC/phys/

Possesses this potential energy, and that this energy is converted into kinetic energy as the book falls. Consider a baseball flying through the air. The ball is said to have "kinetic energy" by virtue of the fact that its in motion relative to the ground. You can see that it is has energy because it can do "work" on an object on the ground if it collides with it (either by pushing on it and/or damaging it during the collision). 

Every matter has its own condensed energy by strings bubbles. Example. Bomb throw from plane became kinetic energy but when explode she released its adhere condensed strings [potential energetic capacity]

3 mechanical Energy: The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of a body is known as mechanical energy

Mechanical work Screen shot 2014-02-01 at 6.40.15 PMan amount of energy being transferred in a given process due to displacement in the direction of an applied force

in the direction of an applied force.

Mechanical Energy can be either kinetic energy (energy of motion) or 

potential energy(stored energy of position)

We deal with [Newtons]mechanical energy

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Mechanical Energy - is moving energy. It is the form that we most see around us. All moving objects produce mechanical energy. The movements within machines is also mechanical. Examples: People, a rolling bicycle, moving gears, and running cars.


4 Potential Energy: The energy possessed by a body as the body is at certain height that leads to the storage of energy due to its position is known as Potential energy. For example: a wound spring of a watch, water stored in a dam, a stone lying on the top of hill,  a stretched bow

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Potential Energy: Condensed a book sitting on a table. have "potential energy" because if it is nudged off, gravity will accelerate the book, giving the book

Potential Energy explaned by United Nature Theory [see gravity wave]

Gravity: Only Nature explain alone its sophisticated behavior.

The active earths all time expel gravitational wave which push with strings bubbles down and table not allow to book fall. The table acts as anti gravitational force.

 Red :

Energetic paths

From earth [energetic sources] composed by strings quarks. This

energetic path

by swirling motion create  

Retrograde swirling motion that create gravity force which push energetic strings paths [now with gravity spin] back to energetic source which by swirling motion create again gravitationl wave

The table stop to the book move together with gravitational strings wave, the table act as antigravity force however the table in rest.

PEgrav = mass g height

PEgrav = m * g h


5 Heat or Thermal Energy: The energy possessed by a body due to its temperature is known as heat energy. For example energy of hot water, energy of hot air etc.

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. Thermal Energy: Strings by their peculiar wave particle motion activate [by touch ] molecules mainly by vibrating motion that arise kinetic and potential energy. The faster the molecules are moving around and/or vibrating, the higher the temperature

Wikipedia ThermalA microscopic, disordered equivalent of mechanical energy. Heatan amount of thermal energy being transferred(in a given process) in the direction of decreasing temperature q mc∆t.

6 Chemical Energy:

The energy released in chemical reactions is known as chemical energy. The chemical energy of sun is used to generate electricity.

CH4 + 2O2 −→ CO2 + 2H2O C+O2 −→ CO2. H2 + 1 2O2 −→ H2O,

Chemical energy is the type of energy that is stored in molecular compounds. Specifically, it is stored in the bonds between different types of molecules. When something causes those bonds to the break, the molecules become rearranged, and the energy is released, often taking on one of the other forms of energy. It is possible to observe the transformation of chemical energy in everything people do, from driving to eating to gardening.


Beautiful amazing pictures of atoms and molecular connections.

Bubble strings


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Beautiful amazing pictures of atoms and molecular connections.

Bubble strings

Image result for molecular atom connections microscope

Other than through the warmth of the sun, homes are largely heated by various forms of chemical energy. Wood is one simple example. As it burns, the chemical bonds in the structure of the wood are broken down and both heat energy and light energy are produced as a result. In the process, the wood is transformed into another chemical substance with altogether different properties: ashes. attery-Powered Devices


Many household and personal items, from radios to computers to cell phones, rely on electrical energy that has been converted to chemical energy. The key medium for this exchange is a battery. When you plug in a cell phone to charge, for example, the current from the outlet in the wall is converted to chemical energy by the battery inside the device. When you unplug the phone and use it, the chemical energy in the battery is converted back to an electrical charge to power the phone.

The same is true for the battery in a laptop computer, as well as common household batteries (double-A, triple-A, etc.) that can be used in many devices. Car batteries also utilize chemical energy.

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Consider the ability of your body to do work. The glucose (blood sugar) in your body is said to have "chemical energy" because the glucose releases energy when chemically reacted (combusted) with oxygen. Your muscles use this energy to generate mechanical force and also heat. Chemical energy is really a form of microscopic potential energy, which exists because of the electric and magnetic forces of attraction exerted between the different parts of each molecule - the same attractive forces involved in thermal vibrations. These parts get rearranged in chemical reactions, releasing or adding to this potential energy.

The atoms composed by active strings. Every creation composed by active atoms molecules strings that create all chemical reactions and by help ATP living creaions

7Sound Energy: 

The energy of a vibrating object producing sound is known as Sound energy. It is only because of sound energy that we can hear. Sound Energy- is produced when an object is made to vibrate. Sound energy travels out as waves in all directions. Sound needs a medium to travel through, such as air, water, wood, and even metal!

sound intensity = sound power / (4 pi R2)
Examples: Voices, whistles, horns and musical instruments.


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/~kwashington/ v=QYTDdAj

 Sound energetic waves are compression waves associated with the potential and kinetic energy of air molecules. When an object moves quickly, for example the head of drum, it compresses the air nearby, giving that air potential energy. That air then expands, transforming the potential energy into kinetic energy (moving air). The moving air then pushes on and compresses other air, and so on down the chain. A nice way to think of sound waves is as "shimmering air".

Wave theory [Tejman] explain Doppler phenomenon

Doppler phenomenon is called after Christian Andreas Doppler and the Austrian mathematician who discovered this phenomenon, that the frequency of sound waves is higher when vehicles approach and lower when the vehicle moves away


8 Electrical Energy: The energy of moving photons electrons in a conductor connected with a battery is known as electrical energy.

.Electrochemical Energ fuel-cell". energy stored in a battery by maximum condensed strings

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Electric motor



Electricity generator:

Dispersed active strings in space [created by still mystery space fabrics A. Einstein] adhere to every formation mainly to oxygen and hydrogen atom with their great ability to accept fresh active strings. [Life atoms]. energy travel atoms

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Electricity generator:

Collection of space and generator gstrings by combs and condensation.

Push them to closed wires circuit for more condensation and send them.

Strings adhere to atom ectrons and made photonelectron [strings create everything so immediately create new electron by atoms living behavior].

Electrical Energy: The energy of moving electron photons in a conductor connected with a battery is known as electrical energy.

Brush head 2-pole Wound Rotor [ingeniously description by]

The brushes by friction separate adhere strings which by their amazing swirling vibration motion of proton quarkee by releasing wind-rewind  enlarging string space and by wave motion create electricity. 


The same Principe electricity [energy] creation only by other model.


 [ocLabelled diagram of an electric motor showing the main component parts.

Animation showing how a motor rotates.

rtwork: Left: A simplified diagram of the parts in an electric motor. Right: How it works in practice. Note how the commutator reverses the current each time the coil turns halfway. This means the force on each side of the coil is always pushing in the same direction, which keeps the coil rotating 

All matter is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of smaller particles, called protons (which have positive charge), neutrons (which have neutral charge), and electrons (which are negatively charged). All that created by still mystery for Us stringsU.N.T. Electrons orbit around the center, or nucleus, of atoms, just like the moon orbits the earth.

Some material, particularly metals, have certain electrons that are only loosely attached to their atoms. They can easily be made to move from one atom to another if an electric field is applied to them. When those electrons move among the atoms of matter, a current of electricity is created.

This is what happens in a piece of wire when an electric field, or voltage, is applied. The electrons pass from atom to atom, pushed by the electric field and by each other (they repel each other because like charges repel), thus creating the electrical current. The measure of how well something conducts electricity is called its conductivity, and the reciprocal of conductivity is called the resistance Copper is used for many wires because it has a lower resistance than many other ometals and is easy to use and obtain. Most of the wires in your house are made of copper. Some older homes still use aluminum wiring.

The energy is really transferred by the chain of repulsive interactions between the electrons down the wire - not by the transfer of electrons per se. This is just like the way that water molecules can push on each other and transmit pressure (or force) through a pipe carrying water. At points where a strong resistance is encountered, its harder for the electrons to flow - this creates a "back pressure" in a sense back to the source. This back pressure is what really transmits the energy from whatever is pushing the electrons through the wire. Of course, this applied "pressure" is the "voltage". 

As the electrons move through a "resistor" in the circuit, they interact with the atoms in the resistor very strongly, causing the resistor to heat up - hence delivering energy in the form of heat. Or, if the electrons are moving instead through the wound coils of a motor, they instead create a magnetic field, which interacts with other magnets in the motor, and hence turns the motor. In this case the "back pressure" on the electrons, which is necessary for there to be a transfer of energy from the applied voltage to the motor's shaft, is created by the magnetic fields of the other magnets (back) acting on the electrons - a perfect push-pull arrangement! That is beautiful explanation of electricity work, but not explained what the force which cares the electron is. This force made by active strings.


9 Nuclear Energy: The energy released when two light nuclei fuse to form a heavy nucleus or when a heavy nucleus splits into two light nuclei is known as nuclear energy.The amount of energy released is enormous.

Main energy strings -source

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http://www -




Pict.5sThe first light bulbs ever lit by electricity generated by nuclear power at EBR-1 at Argonne National Laboratory-West, December 20, 1951.

9. Nuclear Energy:

The Sun, nuclear reactors, and the interior of the Earth, all  have "nuclear reactions" as the source of their energy, that is, reactions that involve changes in the structure of the nuclei of atoms. In the Sun, hydrogen nuclei fuse (combine) together to make helium nuclei, in a process called fusion, which releases energy. In a nuclear reactor, or in the interior of the Earth, Uranium nuclei (and certain other heavy elements in the Earth's interior) split apart, in a process called fission. If this didn't happen, the Earth's interior would have long gone cold! The energy released by fission and fusion is not just a product of the potential energy released by rearranging the nuclei. In fact, in both cases, fusion or fission, some of the matter making up the nuclei is actually converted into energy. How can this be? The answer is that matter itself is a form of energy! This concept involves one of the most famous formula's in physics, the formula,


This formula was discovered by Einstein as part of his "Theory of Special Relativity". In simple words, this formula means:

The energy intrinsically stored in a piece of matter at rest equals its mass times the speed of light squared. 

When we plug numbers in this equation, we find that there is actually an incredibly huge amount of energy stored in even little pieces of matter (the speed of light squared is a very very large number!). For example, it would cost more than a million dollars to buy the energy stored intrinsically stored in a single penny at our current (relatively cheap!) electricity rates. To get some feeling for how much energy is really there, consider that nuclear weapons only release a small fraction of the "intrinsic" energy of their components. Nuclear Energy: The energy released when two light nuclei fuse to form a heavy nucleus or when a heavy nucleus splits into two light nuclei is known as nuclear energy.The amount of energy released is enormous


10 Tidal energy: 

Tidal power, also called tidal energy, is a form of hydropower that converts the energyobtained from tides into useful forms of power, mainly electricity. Although not yet widely used, tidal power has potential for future electricity generation. Tides are more predictable than wind energy and solar power.The moving molecule of water takes the air because of its quick movement of electrons. These moving water molecules keeps other water molecules moving. This is known as Tidal.

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frsetzreview - Wikispaces5

: 11. Bioenergetics and Food energy




Basic overview of energy and human life.

In biology, energy is an attribute of all biological systems from the biosphere to the smallest living organism. Within an organism it is responsible for growth and development of a biological cell or an organelle of a biological organism. Energy is thus often said to be stored by cells in the structures of molecules of substances such as carbohydrates (including sugars), lipids, and proteins, which release energy when reacted with oxygen in respiration. In human terms, the human equivalent (H-e) (Human energy conversion) indicates, for a given amount of energy expenditure, the relative quantity of energy needed for human metabolism, assuming an average human energy expenditure of 12,500 kJ per day and a basal metabolic rate of 80 watts. For example, if our bodies run (on average) at 80 watts, then a light bulb running at 100 watts is running at 1.25 human equivalents (100 80) i.e. 1.25 H-e.

Living organism relies on an external source of energyradiationgical from the Sun in the case of green plants, chemical energy in some form in the case of animalsto be able to grow and reproduce. The daily 15002000 Calories (68 MJ) recommended for a human adult are taken as a combination of oxygen and food molecules, the latter mostly carbohydrates and fats, of which glucose (C6H12O6) andstearin (C57H110O6) are convenient examples. The food molecules are oxidised to carbon dioxide andwater in the mitochondria

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O

C57H110O6 + 81.5O2 → 57CO2 + 55H2O

and some of the energy is used to convert ADP into ATP.

ADP + HPO42− → ATP + H2O

The rest of the chemical energy in O2[10] and the carbohydrate or fat is converted into heat: the ATP is used as a sort of "energy currency", and some of the chemical energy it contains is used for other metabolism when ATP reaction.

1 ATP black hole with a lot of strings.

 2 solar black hole with a lot of strings.

 3 Glitter: Huge proton string quark.

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Radio/optical composite of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex showing the OMC-2/3 star-forming filament. GBT data is shown in orange. Uncommonly large dust grains there may kick-start planet formation. Credit: S. Schnee, et al.; B. Saxton, B. Kent (NRAO/AUI/NSF); We acknowledge the use of NASA's SkyView Facility located at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

The best explanation of strings bubbles we became from NATURE.














these vacuole are source of strings [ by ATP black hole strings energy]. 




https://www.fotoltia.c Nerve cell.


Swirling bubbles motion of branches.

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Wood was the main source of energy for humanity.     

That needs a lot of imagination to understanding this like primitive forward and back motion that release and activate, adhere strings, which by their peculiar behavior create everything.

hand drill fire starting

Related image drill 

All energy equations validate the strings behavior.

Strings are extension of bubbles

Bubble made strings

Strings made bubbles and vice versa.

That means strings and bubbles are one entity.



All kinds of energy [and everything] made by

Peculiar strings bubbles quarks wave motion.


' Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Juni 2016

Theory of everything. ''


Strings are extension of bubbles

Bubble made strings

Strings made bubbles and vice versa.

That means strings and bubbsles are one entity.


All kinds of energy [and everything] made by

Peculiar strings bubbles quarks wave motion.


' Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Juni 2016

Theory of everything. ''