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Grand Unified Theory
United nature theory
Theory of everything




Cancer, neoplasm, , creation, behavior, treatment, explanation.

by Grand-Unified-Nature-Wave Theory.

by Natural, behavior of energetic matter.

Collection of cancer ideas from United Nature-Wave theory.


Tejman Chaim Henry Dr. Jerusalem,

Independent researches of United Nature-Wave theory.


All stabile creation are created by quantum formation,

Composed formations are created by different quanta and different connections for continue closed energetic matter circulation.

. Every living creation [species] has its own genome that means rigid matrix formation by different quanta composition of closed energetic circulation that is transmitted by generations,

This quanta genome is living creation, that means depending by surrounding vicinity and by time appears some changes in genome

 [ DNA sequences, chains, genes] for better host adaptation to vicinity [Darwin’s, evolution], or worse.

If the injury is not sever in DNA sequences, they cause to genetic diseases.

More severe, tumor, neoplasm. Very severe that host can’t repair some chain-sequence of DNA severe injury to continue matrix energy circulation [even of one cell] then the wildest incoming high energetic matter create different path of energy flow that are unknown to genome matrix which have not tools to repair that. Then the immature high energetic [not closed quanta-cells- open quanta] by continue incoming energetic matter create continue open [ not closed] quanta [open wildest high energetic cells]. That  destroy some parts of host or ever whole host.

That is terrible that only small spoiled DNA destroy all host.

Host not recognize cancer as foreign body and not react because that is his own energetic matter creation,

Cancer behaves like high energetic strong force spin 1 gravitons which move by swirling penetrate motion.

Treatment : that is continue struggle with NATURE but by sophisticated ideas we can overcame this  NATURE behavior.

Example: Weitzman institute AIDS theating.

Maybe by some substance we can induce cancer sensitivity to autoimmune system or by nana technology overcame cancer cells.

Maybe that cancer belong to the tools of Natural Selection [Darwin]


Strong spin 1 time force motion    


File:Spombe Pop2p protein structure rainbow.png
File:Spombe Pop2p protein
File:Protein Structure cdc42

X1-class solar flare on March 29, 2014 as seen by NASA's IRIS (video screenshot) Credit: NASA/IRIS/SDO/Goddard Space Flight Center




Cancer cells motion

Taurus clod



Fragment from article:   Quantum of everything created by positron-boson

© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry.  December  2013

More beautiful picture and explanation can’t be…of positronium than space pictures.

18  380x260 veil nebula nw ps NGC 6979; Cirrus Nebula, NW

See Here

This double bubbles string quantum, is basic creation of everything and create endless formations including life.                                        

Vibrio parahemolyticus C
Sperm freezing is
Vibrio cholerae



Cancer cell.

The most primitive living “cells” filled up with the most primitive wildest plasma [space fabrics-Einstein] is cancer which  behave like wildest [positron [positronium] quantum.

Cancer appears by injury of some chain of DNA circulation that can’t accept incoming energetic matter [space fabrics- the wildest high active plasma]. The hot incommoding plasma of still open DNA chain [that can’t continue of its destination creation mature closed creation] poured to vicinity from not closed high energetic DNA [like open quanta formation]                         

TShe wldest creation that behave like positronium plasma we call cancer.

The virulence [energetic activity] of cancer formation depending in what stage of DNA cell was affected.

 The cancer creation is very active [hot] can penetrate every living creation by not closed ending DNA to vicinity . The injury DNA chain continues expels of incoming energetic matter until organism not reaper the DNA chain.This injury may be repaired by different ways. That is one of more natural processes of living creations. Cancer behave like space plasma. They expand by pseudopodia [like space gravitons] by swirling motion.  

The chain may be affected by chemical or physical injury, some inflammatory diseases by bacteria, viruses or by affected genes, ect.

The hot hay energetic creation [pro cell] behaves as open quantum of primitive motion continue duplicate by incoming energetic matter from vicinity. The high energetic pro cells easy separate and create new colonies. These pro cells have not beginning of cell creation not self dismantling and not evolution. They disrupted in places where blood [energy] supply is not enough.

Treatment: Although the very high energetic creation “eat” every creation but by stop of supply energetic matter by different ways and blockage energetic cancer matter activity also by different sophisticated ways we can repair this problem. I though that the most easy way to fight with caner is by nano technology to close oncogenics new created vessels to stop energy supply together with other treatment.

 By researches “cancer” we learn to deal with DNA chains that can help to prolong human life by activate or suppressed some chain, to deal with the most sophisticated creation of NATURE HUMAN BEING. 


cancer cells

Double bubble string  like positronium quantum-cancer. High, primitive, energetic

creation is not easy fight with him.   

2D Cell Cross-Section


Cells filled up with plasma positrons [positroniums] 

A cross-section of a cancer cell with many membrane-spanning receptors is shown. Three pairs of receptors represent activated, dimerized receptors. These dimers have activated intracellular signaling pathways, represented by a string of glowing yellow oval shapes.

Cancer Cells

see here  targetedtherapies/breastcancer_htmlcourse/page3


Cancer clls move like gravitons by swirling motion.

Cancer cells




The Veil nebula

Veil Nebula, zooming on

File:Eagle nebula pillars.jpg

http://www.aao  ula_pillars.jpg&imgrefurl=








Injury of one small chain may destroy the all host.



Natural Killer T-Cell (blue) attacking a cancer cell

understanding-cancer-why-and-how-does- it-occur electron-microscopy-images

 Michael Lotze, MD, Marc Rubin, 

.Stem cell

 Immature, closed, not organized cells structure with a lot of high energetic plasma [like cancer-plasma] but with well define membrane cells [quantum], That control cell behavior, not as cancer [open quantum that not stops create high energetic plasma “cells” additional to chaotic cancer positroniums plasma, with defected cell membrane].  S.C. has diffused short plasma DNA strings [plasma composed by high active “space fabrics, disperse  positroniums and DNA strings]. Stem cells introduced to affected tissue became all properties of the host cells, by expelled from tissue cells different cells creations include Ribosomes and mRNA. Every tissue, during host life, is replaced. That means every tissue have like stem cells. But host have additional reserve S.C that migrate to help the tissue overcame of the arises problem, That is the most ingenious process of NATURE self cure. That seems be very simple but hat is very … very sophisticate [“simple” DIVINE] S.C like viruses has high energetic plasma so they easy transit to cancer cells.

HPV virus related to cancer

The very hot positronium [plasma-matrix structure] has behavior between viruses and cancer some circumstances, cause to transmitted virus to cancer.

We known that fire we threat by fire or dynamite. Dynamite by suddenly rise  high energy-temperature [energy –see Tejman works] by suddenly motion of  space fabrics get over the fire. That seem appears by host, affected by virus, fight by rise of temperature. That seems apears with cancer but that needs very high temperatures. That is the principle of radiotherapy; high condensed of positrons and positroniums electrons tansmite [energetic shots] fo overcame cancer.

Not all types of virus lead to cancer, only a small percentage of them.


They are also filled up by some percent of this wildest plasma that cause to wlldest behavior of some viruses as like cancer and behave as positronium quantum. Viruses are the most primitive cell formation. They have beginning [offspring] transmit phase transitions [that not appears in cancer] and decay by evolution. The virus have organella.

bacteriophage landing on bacterium

http://archives.microbe robes/virus_bacterium


news.softpedia- -Scientific-HIV virus.

In virus plasma is  well organied by DNA formation.

Diagram of the rabies virion

media/image1.jpeg transmission/virus.htm lRabies  virus

Well organized structures inside of virus. rhabies

sciencedaily. rhabies



23-D cryoelectron microscope reconstruction of the cross-section of a virus, before and after cramming itself full of its own DNA. (Credit: Ye Xiang and Michael Rossmann, Purdue University)

3 Coronaviruses are a group of viruses known for causing the common cold. They have a halo, or crown-like (corona) appearance when viewed under an electron microscope.


Fragment from article  Spin: The basic, amazing, sophisticated, secret of NATURE creation. March 2014  

That is positronium [primary string creation] quantum double bubble connected by strings. More beautiful explanation of double bubbles strings can’t be!                   

Most complicated mathematical and most beautiful ingenious works not imagined so beautiful MASTERPIECE and simple basic quantum creation as string bubble [double bobble]  positronium formation.  

DNA quantum created by dark matter 

Huge quantum formation created by DNA chains. Creation of bubbles [double bubbles DNA chain] quanta by surrounding dark matter space fabrics, positrons, positroniums ect. 

rion nebula

From active condensed dark matter [condensed more by swirling gravitons motion]. Gravitons on most condensed space [like black hole] expelled swirling path- - chains, trajectories  of double bubbles [electromagnetic The motion of swirling path - chains] is strong force of high energetic “positron” photon quantum [gravitational wave strings bubbles]  These string bobbles [like DNA chain] create everything include our life. This amazing picture is the picture of century Condensation of dark matter appears by steps with large bulks and in most condensed space appears cone [gravitons-Tejman] which expels by swirling motion chains of waved bubbles- two kinds of bubbles, dense and less dense.  The chain swirl is like DNA.  These double bubbles are [electromagnetic-double bubbles]- strong energetic force, that create very large formation “double bubble” galaxy, nebula. Where one bubble is dense [with gravity bevior] and the second less dense [with electric positron behavior see]. This creation composed by endless condensed bubbles [double bubbles]. On top of of this formation we see new formation, offspring of this huge quantum

The creations of NATURE are simple but very…very sophisticated!!! 

These string bobbles DNA chains quanta create protein, everything and our life. 


The rRNA of the 30S ribosomal subunit, as determined at the Structural Biology Center. The parts of the rRNA as shown here are: messenger RNA (purple), head (green), central domain ((blue), and body (red) with H44 in cyan. The gold ribbons represent the binding from the anticodon stem loop.

Fig. 1. /

nsf.govMitochondria /Highlights/2001/ribsome.htm  National Institute on Aging/National Institutes of Health.)

An illustration showing an example of the structure and organization of DNA in the nucleus of a human cell. (Image

of DNA in the nucleus of a human cell. (Image couresty of the National Institute on Aging/National Institutes of Health



Astrophoto: The Veil Nebula by Nick Howes


Strong force DNA motion



File:Spombe Pop2p protein structure rainbow.png
File:Spombe Pop2p protein
File:Protein Structure cdc42

DNA genes


Astrophoto: The Veil Nebula by Nick Howes

The Veil Nebula. Pict. 1 The Veil Nebula.
a cigarette with a smoke

The same basic DNA appears in organic and not organic formations.


2Protein, from primary to quaternary structure

Protein structure by different energetic spin pathof  DNA spins forces motion

Proteins which composed our genome are living formations created by living space fabrics DNA chains.

Energetic matter paths  move by spin time changing.

1 Wave motion: by spins of space fabrics. 2. Our genome [motion] 3 Our Universe motion.

In Human genome energetic spin path [DNA time forces] by age the energetic strong force is weaker and wave became red shift. Every genome energetic spin path [time forces] has it’s specific genes of genome time continue matrix [example different genes called “hormones” continue that genome matrix time create in different periods. But in every genome time age period the”same” like proteins changed their spin behavior. 

Quanta creations organic and not organic continue transmitted by evolution to next generations by rigid genome matrix creations. Non organic quanta by evolution remain the same because the absorb energy is allways the same [example our Universe quantum] every quantum has beginning that means also end [every formation which has beginning has end and dispersed again to vicinity [“space fabrics”] for new creations. 

 Living creations have active matrix [DNA spin forces motion] that means that is in constant contact with changing vicinity and depending of different kinds of energy supply, that cause to constant adaptation that provide to genes changing. Gene’s adaptation appears only by small spin changes [matrix gene’s] that are necessary for survival species and of individual. [Only Human being is able life in vicinity by changing Nature in vicinity and build different facilities] That is amazing how that specific rigid living quantum matrix time transmit to next generation as formation including all genes’ changes that has acquired and adapt in its time period.

But not all genes are adapting immediately by rigid genome DNA spins matrix forces to different energetic sources, as to changing food, plants, parasites, new diseases etc. That cause to some mild or severe genetic diseases. It’s known that healthy people immigrants from Yemen or Ethiopia very high percent develop by time diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems that they haven’t before. That appears by food changing and life behavior that transmits to next generations.   

If some genes are not adapt correctly in some important DNA genome genes chains spoiled and organism can’t overcome this problem by self improve, repair that provide to dangerous situations and even to destroy the whole organism. That is natural selection [Darwin]. Example: cancer- when spoiled DNA gene can’t repair itself to continue energy genome matrix spins time circulation.

Organism all time create new cells and destroy older, that appears only by matrix codes but spoiled gene time even by minimum DNA path spin “defect” which not exactly appears of the matrix schedule can’t be repaired. Cancer is one of the many tools of NATURE to natural equilibrium of vicinity ecology. But Human being is in constant competition with NATURE. Theoretical private idea –creation of individual private bank gene from different times of individual periods of host and used them … when appears some problem in host.

Summary: United Nature Theory is new path for much generation to very amazing interesting works.                                                                      This paper may be subject to copy, but please cited the source.

© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry.  March 2014

Theory of everything. Wikipedia



Paper  marc 2014         s Cancer:Explained by Nature Theory

Collection of cancer articles by United Nature Theory

Cancer: The most primary living DNA cells chain quantum.

DNA chains-sequencings are the most ingenious sophisticated primary stabile quantum formation created by dark matter, black hole, dark spots, by cells formations etc.

Cancer: appears, by damage of some sequence, in DNA, chains of genome, protein or other reproductive host formation beyond repair, that can’t continue its destination process by incoming high energetic matter.

Cancer is living own host parasite DNA creation. Has beginning, progress and create new sequences DNA of high energetic spoiled chains, some mild affected sequences may transmitted to next generation cause to genetic diseses.   

More beautiful picture of Cancer can’ be! That is the picture of century!

Which explained cancer quantum, creation and behavior.    



Causes of Cancer Likely Found in ‘Junk’ DNA, Study Saysttp:// 

the same creartion of double buble created by the basic same primary substance – dark matter ~icke/pictures/Hubble5.



The primary virtual sophisticated substance [space fabrics-Einstein] is living, energetic substance, constant active [by spin, trajectories, time forces) and is not a surprising then, that all living formations are a sequence of this primary constant active force [United Nature Theory-Tejman].


That means that cancer is living DNA creation.

Dark matter-energy is the primary most energetic formation

DNA quantum is created by this dark matter.

For btter understating read Tejman’s works…

Quantum of everything created by positron-boson… and Spin: The basic, amazing, sophisticated, secret of NATURE creation


That is also picture of century.

Huge quantum formation created by DNA chains. Creation of bubbles [double bubbles DNA chain] quanta by surrounding dark matter space fabrics, positrons, positroniums ect.

The stabile quantum formation created by dark matter. 

 rion nebula

From active condensed dark matter [condensed more by swirling gravitons motion]. Gravitons on most condensed space [like black hole] expelled swirling path- - chains, trajectories of double bubbles-chains forces [electromagnetic The motion of swirling path - chains] is strong force of high energetic “positron” photon, quantum [gravitational wave strings bubbles]  These string bobbles [like DNA chain] create everything include our life. This amazing picture is the picture of century On the picture we see condensation of dark matter that appears by steps with large bulks and in most condensed space appears cone [gravitons-Einstein’s idea and verified by picture Tejman] which expel by swirling motion chains of waved bubbles- two kinds of bubbles, dense and less dense.  The chain swirl is like DNA.  These double bubbles are [electromagnetic-double bubbles]- strong energetic force, that create very large formation “double bubble” galaxy, nebula. One bubble is dense [with gravity behavior] and the second less dense [with electric positron behavior]. This creation composed by endless condensed bubbles [double bubbles]. On top of of this formation we see new formation, offspring of this huge quantum

This new created quantum Nebula created by string bobbles DNA chains quanta. These primary chains quanta are the basic DNA creation of everything and of our life..

The creations of NATURE are simple but very…very sophisticated!!! 

Other way of quantum creation by dak matter.

                                               Wave bubbles quanta [double bobbles, wave quanta creations, oval’s like eggs] vibrate by their frequencies disperse and collect. They collect because their

illustration of gamma-ray bubbles extent

electric-positron semi loop-bubble prevails, which have affinity to attraction and repelling, while magnetic bubble [semi loop only repeals] but is weaker than electric

See NASA pictures:  That is also the picture of century!

Creation of quantum formation by space fabrics, positrons and double bubbles.

Please see how quantum is created!!!

Also by most primar substance.

Only NATURE, alone, explained its creation and behavior.!!!

More beautiful, “simple”, creation of quanta formations, by strings bubbles, can not be! 

But this simplicity is the most sophisticated behavior.  This picture not needs explanation.

Quantum DNA created by black hole.


Pict. from SKY & telescope  august 2008 p 14

Looking Down the Throat of a Black Hole Jet.

Black body radiation


For understudying NATURE  creation, DNA and cancer behavior needs a lot of imagination.

Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download 
 the highest resolution version available.

 Quantum has endless formations and behavior.

illustration of gamma-ray bubbles extent

1Quantum structure by geometry Einstein   2 Faraday Maxwell and 3 Tejman

From pictures we see that DNA is natural stabile quantum formation and by template of specific host information of the DNA living chains, the host became his own living specific genome behavior. Own, living, host, DNA genome matrix.

Recombinant DNA
DNA, the genetic code of life
non-coding DNA actually

The sequence of bases in DNA
Genetic code


Pict. Elongate DNA double bubble chains create everything.

Illustration of a cell, showing the nucleus, and the DNA within the nucleus.
Ribosome, mRNA, tRNA image by

An illustration showing an example o of DNA in the nucleus of a human
How does protein structure

An illustration showing an example of the structure and organization of DNA in the nucleus of a human cell. (Image

of DNA in the nucleus of a human cell. (Image couresty of the

National Institute on Aging/National Institutes of Health

proteins molecule created by

Elongate DNA double bubble chains.

File:Spombe Pop2p protein structure rainbow.png
File:Spombe Pop2p protein
File:Protein Structure cdc42

United Nature Theory try explained as everything by quantum DNA behavior.Causes of Cancer Likely Found in ‘Junk’ DNA, Study Saysttp://

 “Scientists have gotten pretty good at sequencing DNA, determining the order of the bases in an individual’s DNA, but we’re not good at understanding what we see,” Chris Tyler-Smith, a geneticist at the UK’s Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, told Singularity Hub

 Cancer: pictures from internet


Pict from VIKIPEDIA These pictures show [for unpretending the NATURE behavior and to be with her in constant competition]  

  We must posses a lot of imagination.
Helix Nebula - Unraveling at
Hourglass Nebula
Planetary Nebula M2-9
The Hourglass Nebula, a
What is this? The Crab

Space primary double bubbles quanta creations.

Cancer cell

Scanning electron microscopy image of a lymphocyte

Of Prostate Cancer Cells

3d rendered close up of blood cells and a cancer cell.

Cells  primary double bubbles quanta creations-cancer.

restoreimmunehealthdo which-immune-cell-leads-

between cancer cells and

Cancer bubbles the most primitive cell formation,
breast cancer patients at

Cancer DNA formation.

Prostate cancer with Gleason pattern 4 low mag.jpg

Basal cell carcinoma is the


See Here

prostate cancer. Gleason pattern 4 the most common type of prostate cancer..

As per e recent report by the UN health office the amount of new growth cases around the globe bounced by 11 percent in a five-year period, arriving at 14.1 million in 2012, with breast disease expanding by one-fifth.


 news.psu.educancer cells generated in 3D

Cancer cells, Photo:

The behavior of octopus is very similar to cancer maybe by

Get the Look: Octopus Triptych

Oceanographic Museum - Octopus

File:Octopus at Kelly
Video: Chopstick octopus

Understanding energetic matter behavior can help to deal with cancer.


cancer cases

The cancers quanta are red o black because are high energetic by blood supplay.

Squ. c c. Urothelcell carcinoma of the kidney pelvic

File:Adenocarcinoma of the stomach.jpg

Urothelcell carcinoma of the kidney pelvic stomach _

Bubbles [double] quanta.
Melanoma is a rhage
be a completely new tumor

Space quanta

Nebula, birthplace of stars by.

Lambda Centauri nebula,
The Southern Crab Nebula: a

1024 × 1034 - 88k – jpg

M 76 (NGC 650)



Metastasizing Cancer Cell

Cancer Cells

Metastasizing Cancer Cell



Cancer cells motion..l

Cancer cells




United Nature Theory try explained cancer as everything appears by quantum DNA behavior

DNA is the primary, stabile most amazing, ingenious, sophisticated creation of NATURE.

For overcame this damage DNA –quantum creation we can by a lot of imagination and Human being capable.


When normal cells [quantum DNA formation] are damaged beyond repair, they are eliminated by apoptosis [ending by some creations cell formations]. Cancer cells avoid apoptosis and continue to multiply in an unregulated manner.

Cancer: appears, by damage of some sequence, in DNA, chains of genome, protein or other reproductive host formation that can’t continue its destination process and immature cells that are created by constant energy supply, continue reproduction of this spoiled creation.

This creation is high energetic [because, the organized matrix, was spoiled, erupted and high incoming wildest energetic matter find not some solution and continue creation wildest not mature energetic cells.

    The hot hay energetic creation [pro cell] behaves as open quantum of primitive motion continue duplicate by incoming energetic matter from vicinity. The high energetic pro cells easy separate and create new colonies. These pro cells have not beginning of cell creation not self dismantling and not evolution. They disrupted in places where blood [energy] supply is not enough.

 Cancer behave as the most virulent virus which destroy the host and himself.

Treatment: Although the very high energetic creation “eat”-“burn” every creation in vicinity, but by stop of supply energetic matter by different ways and blockage energetic cancer matter activity by different sophisticated ways we can repair this problem

.Fire we can overcame by fire and high energetic cancer formations by the same way and by other sophisticated ideas as example:

Weizman institute-Rehovot overcame energetic AIDS virus by other high energetic virus. Beautiful idea.

Localized cancer we treat in earless stages encapsulates as foreign body] by surgery, burn, electro-coagulation, cryotherapy. rtg, radiation, chemotherapy ect.

Problem by dispersed. Cells which penetrate capsule are high energetic and needs a lot of energy. He eat and “suck” energy from ever living creation. By sophisticates ideas we can overcame the NATURE creation. 

    The hot hay energetic creation [pro cell] behaves as open quantum of primitive motion continue duplicate by incoming energetic matter from vicinity. The high energetic pro cells easy separate and create new colonies. These pro cells have not beginning of cell creation not self dismantling and not evolution. They disrupted in places where blood [energy] supply is not enough.

Treatment: Although the very high energetic creation “eat”-“burn” every creation but by stop of supply energetic matter by different ways and blockage energetic cancer matter activity also by different sophisticated ways we can repair this problem.

May be the most easy way to fight with caner is by nano technology to close oncogenics new created vessels to stop energy supply together with othersophisticateh treatment.

 By researches “cancer” we learn to deal with DNA chains, gemom that can help to prolong human life by activate or suppressed some chain, deal with the most sophisticated creation of NATURE HUMAN BEING. ar 

Cancer is acute or chronic disease. May be belong to group of Natural selections [Darwin]. Human being can overcome her.

We are only on beginning of to understanding this ingenious NATURE behavior tha also help to overcame cancer, 

 This paper may be subject to copy, but please cited the source.

© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry. March.  2014

Theory of everything.



see article    Introduction to Cancer November 2003

 See my paper Introduction to Cancer but every day we became new important data. November 3, 2003

[Origins ][Prevention][Treatment ][Autoimmune Diseases

Despite the abundance of attention that cancer has attracted, it continues to constitute one of the deadliest scourges of the modern era. Wave theory proposes a revolutionary approach to understanding cancer, which may help         v


Ttreat diseases..According to wave theory, living, mercurial energetic matter configured as a wave formation creates everything, including DNA — which is itself a sophisticated, living highly energetic wave. The DNA subsists and replicates by continuously absorbing energy. New strands of DNA similarly share from the surrounding energy. Occasionally, an excess amount of energy, which for various reasons can be neither “digested” nor expelled, results in super-energetic DNA. These paradoxically parasitic, super life formations voraciously suck in energy in a manner that resembles the most virulent viruses to the extent that they destroy everything else in their vicinity, including the original host. In fact, it is these super-energetic DNA

Wave theory, which is based on observations of nature, provides a roadmap that will help researchers navigate the extensive knowledge that they have already produced in order to develop an effective treatment for this lethal natural creation. However, we will only defeat the terrible scourge of cancer by resorting to a harmonious


These collected works may be subject to copy, but please cited the source.© Copyright:  Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry. April.  2014 Theory of everything.
