

Chapter 4 - Wave Theory and the Atom
(Continued — Page 9)

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The Neon Atom
In this atom, the photons close the third level and cannot be added to additional high-energy photons (picture, right; click for three dimensional photos).

I use simple structures here as illustrations. The connections are more complex, however, as atoms with more than one neutron per proton create different isotopes. Wave theory helps explain atom formation. The sequence is as follows: first, a Kerr swirl appears. The Kerr swirl creates a singularity that, in turn, dispatches paths (strings). The paths generate Schwarzschild formations. The latter generate paths with an electron cloud connecting back to the Kerr swirl, which completes the closed formation.

The Kerr swirls create Schwarzschild swirls in proportion to the energy available when the main Kerr swirl was created. Gradually, the Kerr swirl melts more energetic matter than the Schwarzschild swirl can handle, and the excess energy forms another Schwarzschild swirl. These additional swirls have the same role in the circulation and conservation of energy as the first. In atoms that are isotopes, the amount of neutrons is the result of the dispersion of waves with more than one Schwarzschild swirl, or of smaller waves with more than one magnetic swirl. Pictures taken in space illustrate this beautifully.

The atom is a concentration of energetic matter in time and space at lower phases. It creates complex relationships with its neighbours. Schwarzschild swirls play a role in the conservation of energy in waves. In a wave’s natural life cycle, however, energetic matter continually undergoes changes in time and space, causing energy levels to decrease, until it ends in dispersion. Nearby formations undergoing the same process are similar, but not identical. We can see this process most clearly by looking at the half-life of atoms. Energy returns to space to create a new life cycle. Energy is space and space is energy.

Now, I would like to discuss the forces in the atom and in nature after the Big Bang. In nature, we have primal energetic matter with a single behaviour: a swirling, inflationary motion (see the chapter on the universe).

Energetic matter creates waves, with two swirls and two paths. Energetic matter, even in swirls, moves by paths (strings). Different directions of motion create different forces.

The two main swirls of a wave create the major forces of the universe. The strong pushing and weak pulling force of the Kerr swirl counters the strong pulling and weak pushing force of the Schwarzschild swirl. These opposing forces generate all known forces.

1. Energetic force = primal energetic matter. When a wave is created, secondary magnetic forces appear.
2. Strong force = generated by energetic loop activity and acting at a distance determined by the transverse loop
3. Weak force = generated by magnetic loop activity; acting at an even further distance than energetic matter.
Gravitational force is a complex of all forces and relationships between energetic paths and formations (waves) (see the chapter on the universe).

When atoms are split in accelerators, we obtain a large amount of different particles (energetic forces), a veritable “zoo” of particles. Because energetic matter creates endless forces (paths, energy levels), its formation possibilities are infinite.

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